'●' More than Anything

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★Third day in the festival★

The third day, was the day where grand decorated balloons and kites were flown and released. It was a grand array of colours and overall beauty. However, in the Palace it was a somber day.

Ellana sat in her room, the biggest room in the tallest tower of the castle, floating above the city. She quietly sat there looking at the display and thinking. Thinking of the war. What they had so narrowly avoided.

Aquiana walked in.

Sitting next to Ellana she smiled "Why, in the name of the gods, are you sat alone in the pitch black?"

"Nothing....Just....Thinking" Ellana replied, snapping out of her little day dream.

"Yeah. Sure. You know, you said you would cover up that portrait" Aquiana rolled her eyes, looking at the portrait on the wall of Thomas "I hear the cowards gone missing~" she smirked devilishly

"Hm~ Really?! " Ellana's eyes widened smirk dawning her lips "How wonderful!~ You always know how to cheer me up. What did you do with the 'Princess and heir to the throne of Life'" she mocked.

"That crazy bitch?" Aquiana laughed "Locked in the cellar of course. "

Ellana took Aquiana's hands in her own beginning to dance with her "My that is great~ Soon we'll be in charge of all the kingdoms!~" They cackled a little, Ellana dipping Aquiana as they danced

"Don't you just love the festival?" Ellana asked calmly as they twirled around the room

"I adore it" Aquiana laughed "It's a great cover for meeting each other, we'd be questioned otherwise"

Ellana nodded.

Soon the door slammed open, Charinite stepping in "Right, the fuck are you doing?! You're so fucking loud, why are you singing anyways?" The woman seemingly glared while towering over them

"I...we were singing?" Aquiana asked moving away from Ellana.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, yes you were fucking singing. Something about 'Taking over all of the kingdoms co ruling and being happy Thomas is missing and pressured dead" Charinite snapped back "Dumb cunts" she crossed her arms

"Ha...Sorry Charinite dear" Ellana laughed a little patting Charinite on the head, barely able to reach, ignoring the woman's clear hatred.

Charinite stormed out her boots making loud noises as she walked down the halls, she was walking in such a way cracks appeared under her feet. She walked down the halls, maids butlers and soldiers knowing that the sound of her walking was a warning and quickly moving and hiding. Everyone knew of Charinite's temper. She glared walking down the hallways .

"Soon...Soon..my wrath will be felt by even Gods..." she drew out her blade unlocking and opening the door to the....

To the darkest most secure cellar.

~End of Chapter~

★~Authors notes~★
So like the dancing and singing part, for the choreography and general vibe of the song think of Vox and Valentino's duet in the Finale song (Hazbin Hotel) Aquiana as Valentino and Ellana in Vox's place.

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