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She sat up and climbed out of her soft, clean bed. She straightened up. She walked around in her bedroom, currently shared by a woman sleeping on the bed next to her. Not awake yet, why would she be? She had no duties being here.

The woman stood up, undressing from her light blue pajamas into her usual outfit. Slipping on her blue heels. She drew open the slightly see through curtains covering the large glass doors to the balcony. She walked out staring down at the kingdom...dark streets lit in neon lights from signs...Disgusting sinners...Streets filled with filth...

Sighing She turned away, the light from the moon as it was setting glowing, lighting up the bedroom as she entered again. She took one slight glance over her shoulder, at the mountains...at her casino in the snow filled mountains...She knew Sophie was there. With that stupid Life Princess...And most likely her brother....

She walked through her room looking at a picture frame...Seeing the picture of him. The God of Life "Hah....not much of a god anymore? Hmm~" she muttered to herself chuckling slightly, pushing the picture to face the table in which it was placed. She stared at the picture frame with disdain. Glaring , her eyes piercing. She placed her hand down onto the frame, muttering "Memento Mori" As she did the frame glowed blue and disintegrated, the particles blowing away carried in the wind and out of the window.

She rolls her eyes and opened the door to the hallway, her heels clicking against the marble floor of the luxurious hallways. Pictures hand painted adorned the walls along with lights and the occasion on display weapon. Some plants in pots lined the floors and small pillars held the occasional statue or treasure from past battles won.

She continues to walk, passing by the occasional maid or soldier, who immediately froze and bowed "Ma'am" they would all say as she walks by. She gives a slight nod of her head to them in acknowledgement, it's rude not to. Right?

She walked and walked until she pushed open a large brown door entering a closet where jars held gems and crystals levitating within the glass confines of the jars. These jars were labeled with dates. Thousands of jars on each shelves...Thousands of dates...Dating back 500 years...

The woman reached into the pocket on her jacket on her bust. Out of which she took out a key. She walked over to a shelf moving two jars and revealing a square shaped door. She placed the key into the hole in the door. Opening it with a quiet creak. She took out a gem, a green one. The label on this jar had no date. Instead having the words. 'Gem of Life'

She grinned taking out the jar and gently taking off the lid using just a small amount of magic for it. Reaching in she took it out and crushed it in her hand. "Dumb 'princess' Sienna thought she could bring this item into my kingdom? Ha! Oh Thomas....You really have lost your wisdom..." She laughed but soon her laughter stopped "Hold on I don't feel new energy..." She muttered. She looked in her hands...Her come it had shattered? The Gems of God's don't....

"Ah...Haha....Oh Thomas Thomas Thomas.....A phony you've got to...." The woman was almost shaking with rage "You have got to be KIDDING ME!" She screamed. The scream shaking the earth...To kingdoms near by...The mountains shaking slightly

"M-Mrs Flowatza! Are you alright?" Charanite rushed forwards into the room.

Ellana turned to Charanite "Perfectly...FINE" she said through gritted teeth. "Ma'am....We received word that...Um...Sophie and her crew have left out boundaries....

☆~End of Chapter~☆

Authors note:
Lol following Ellana, The God of Death.

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