The mask portrays False hood

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It had been days since the Jester had been, apparently, killed.

"So....Alfie?....Where is crime?" Sophie questioned.

"Crime....Crime went missing after our banishment." He said, relatively calmly while rummaging through the girls meagre supplies "Y'know this food is dog shit.."

Sophie rolled her eyes as Sienna giggled at the comment, "Yeah yeah whatever, how long ago were you banished?"

Alfie raised a brow "Why? Didn't you just come here to help Sienna? I'm surrounded your not here to hear my whole life story, are you?"

Sophie sighed "I'm just curious"

"100 years ago. We were banished 100 years ago." Alfie stated.

"Ah...I see..." Sophie muttered, sighing when Alfie began to eat a bag of crisps they had, that Sophie had grabbed in her hurry. She just shook her head "What can you tell us about the God of Death?"

Alfie went silent "My sister?"

"Yes, I suppose your sister. What do you know?" Sophie said firmly.

"Well, She was always rather secretive, yet I do know some things. Like all gods, she has multiple titles. Yet did you know she has 5? Unlike the usual 2 or 3. Her titles include, the obvious 'God of Death' and also 'God of snow', 'Lady of sins','Queen of gambling' and the one I could never understand, 'The puppeteer' " He then paused before also saying "Did you know she'd also the shortest and the least seen by the public god? Even the God of the stars are seen once a month, she only arrives at maximum 4 times a year. Strange really, yet, I suppose when you have to judge souls and have to kill off good people, there are many people who would dislike you, hm?" He chuckled

Sophie listened intently. Writing all these things down in a notebook, which she had also taken with her. She mainly ignored all that he had said...however one thing did catch her attention...'The Puppeteer'.... why ever would she be called the puppeteer?... It just didn't make sense

"Oh and I'm pretty sure she's dating Aquianta or Aquiana or however the fuck you say that name.." Alfie continued to rabble on, she hadn't even noticed this as she had been lost in thought. However, it seemed Sienna had been listening intently. Actually interested in what the demi-god had to say.

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