The Grand Hydracry festival

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Month had gone by since The prince's disappearance

It bothered Sophie that no one had bothered to find him. He had just disappeared at midnight, seemingly to never be seen again.

But now, now it was the Hydracry festival.

Sophie, despite being an outsider had learned what it was rather quickly. The Festival was an annual event held on the 16th of May to represent the partnership and peace between the kingdoms of Death and Technology, or Ice and Water.

The God of Technology (and water) Aquiana would once a year come over to the kingdom of death, looking round the decorations, the happy faces the outfits and would then head to the castle of death, staying for three to four nights before leaving.

The God of Death, and The God of Technology had entered a peace treaty during the later stages of the war of the Gods, seemingly forming a friendship and partnership. Easily defeating their competition.

The God of Technology would bring a couple soldiers, her right hand (a women in the same position, Sophie figured, as Miz Charinite) named Aroinite, and a couple select people from her nation.

People would dress up in beautiful clothes I'm pearly whites and crystal blues and there was dancing and singing and music playing, it sounded wonderful.

And by midnight the two gods would go up onto the balcony infront of the whole kingdom and would great a snowflake in the air, which would melt and each person would be blessed. Then they would dissappear into the room not to come out again that night.

Then Aroinite and Charinite would lead a ballroom dance for around five minutes before finally ending the festival.

Sophie had read about it in so many books and seen it in so many paintings. She wanted to attend, yet she couldn't shake the feeling something would go wrong.

However with some pressure from Charinite and Ellice she gave in. She decided she would attend.

The day of the event, Sophie was being fitted for a dress, Charinite behind her, tying the ribbons and fastening it, when suddenly there was the sound of a trumpet. Sophie smiled and as soon as she could she went to the balcony, looking down, she saw the God of Technology, Aquiana walk through the town, over the carpet. She met The God of Death, Ellice, at the top of the steps. They bowed to each other before kissing each other on the cheek, a relatively normal greeting.

"Let the festival" They said in union "Begin!"

★~End of Chapter~★

Authors notes:
The God of Death and Technology have a sort of relationship. Its up to your interpretation of it, business partners, close friends or even dating. Tell me what you think.


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