Meet The assistant of Death:Charinite

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Haven't posted in a while so yh. Enjoy.

"Mrs Sophie..." a cool, sly voice whispered from behind Sophie, breath hot against her neck.

"O-Oh ah..." Sophie shivered. She immediately stepped forward and turned to the woman behind her. "O-oh...Miz Charinite...Did you need something?" She looked up at the woman towering over her.

Charinite was a tall woman with long purple hair. Her bangs covered her eyes and her hair completely straight hair flowed to her hips. She wore a black shirt and a red and orange tie with brown baggy pants and a white belt. The woman was intimidating...something about being under her gaze was she knew everything about you...with just one glance....

"Ah, haha, no~ Just...Wondering" the woman leaned down to Sophie, face on level with hers "Whether  you found anything out about the...." she paused thinking of how to word what she would say "Runaway....Prince Charles?"

Sophie grimaced "Oh um...I'm currently not aware of anything...."

"Ah....I see. Well then...see you around~ Princesa~" Charinite walked away calmly. As soon as she was put of ear short she slipped off one of her black gloves and shoves her sharp claws into the wall, spreading something in. Whatever it was turning the wall black and making it snake into the furthest corner in every room in the castle.

I will keep my eye on you...Princesa~

★Authors notes★

So, in this series the gods have different right hands. Deaths right hand being Charinite.

Charinite is a 200 year old Cis-gender masculine woman who prays on the innocent for her desires and to gain what she wants. She's cold hearted and as the series goes on, she is revealed to be abusive. This character can be triggering for some people so any chapter containing any abuse of hers will have a '●' in the chapter name.

Character inspo:
Basically just Valentino from Hazbin Hotel  or Purple from The YouTube animation Of Blues story. Yet less funny than Valentino so more like...worse

The kingdoms endOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora