The fall

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3 days.

3 long, hard, cold days spent trudging through endless amounts of frozen sludge. 3 days spent trying to exit the nation. Trying to escape the looming threat of death....They were safe. Sienna was saved from Charanite for now atleast. Alfie seemed friendly and on their side...But Still Sophie felt uneasy.

They were tiered and exhausted...They had lost their rapidly draining food supplies on the 2 days ago. They were setting up camp when a fat, fluffy dark blueish black cat with soft eyes and red fur round its eyes. With an adorable white snout. hopped up to them. Unfortunately Sienna's favourite animal. She went to get it some food, as it looked starving. Rummaging through the bag which held all our supplies other than 2 weapons(Sophie's polearm and Alfie's blade) and some water. When the black mark on the cats forehead resembling a line opened up revealing a third eye, on its side. Piercing with a number 2 for a pupil before stealing the bag and running off quicker than I could grab my polar and throw it. Meaning the cat, and our supplies were now gone.

They continued to trudge through the cold snow.

Thankfully, Sophie's aching back had been given a break when they had come to the revelation that Sienna could finally walk on her sprained ankle. As it had gradually healed after Alfie had rapped a bandage around it. Yet Sienna's   expression remained a grimace. Wading through snow with bare legs, a dress and heels was most likely uncomfortable and tiring. Sophie felt bad but not as bad as she would feel if her back snapped in two due to Sienna's added weight. And weirdly enough Alfie seemed to not even consider carrying Sienna, despite being able. He was atleast a Demi god...

Then she thought some more....Why was Alfie banished anyways...His sister was the God of the nation they were currently escaping...And he had said during their many conversations that he hated living in the freezing cold....

Thinking about it Alfie never seemed to mind the cold... she assumed maybe a god may not feel the cold...but if that's the case why would he mind living up here. But...Maybe she was just reading too much into this. He was allowed to do whatever he wanted it wasn't her business.

She looked behind them as they climbed up a glacier..

How could she still see the capital so clearly?! She could see every street...she could see every single neon flashing sign ...They had those illuminated signs for strip clubs with women kicking their leg up and things like that everywhere....She would have adored the view if not for the fact that she had definitely seen it before....deja vu really got to people huh?

The group continues walking but like all days, the night soon fell and they had to set camp. So as they walked around they saw a small cave like shape in the glacier. Sighing in relief she walked forward and began setting the fire for them. Thankfully they had some twigs and Alfie using some of his little amount of 'Demi god' powers created flint and steal for them. And after 10 hits the fire was lit...Sophie sighed.

3:03 am. Aquintasday (or Wednesday)

Sophie startled awake. Sienna had started snoring again. She felt the temptation to kick her hard....but she didn't...
'Wait what's that noise...' she thought

3:15 am. Aquintasday

The noise was still going sounded like the tapping of an animals feet. It wasn't coming from inside the cave, it was small and barely had enough room for all three of them...It was coming from outside the cave....

3:20am. Aquintasday

'That's it I'm checking....'
Sophie muttered to herself as she got up. She slipped on her cold wet shoes and stepped outside...The inky black sky shined down with glowing stars from above... It looked beautiful... But that wasn't what she was here for.


What was that?...It sounded like ice breaking


'What's going on...' Sophie thought as she looked around.

Suddenly there was another crack and the ground beneath her caved in. 'This is it' she thought 'Death caught up with me. I couldn't escape her for long..' she was surrounded by darkness and the feeling of veins about to fall as the last bits of snow dropped, meaning she would aswell... she felt as if she couldn't escape and she wasn't sure she wanted to. She began to fall..

The last thing she could remember was a tanned, soft hand gripping hers. And her eyes asking over to the cave. Alfie and Sienna were both still asleep....

★~End of Chapter 18~★

☆Authors note☆

Hey guysss. Sorry for inactivity my motivation was lacking and I was on holiday in Turkey so I didn't have much time anyways. But I'm back!

Lots of designs have changed from their originals. I might draw a picture of the bee ones and dedicate the Chapter to the official designs.

Also while on my holiday I thought up 3 new characters!

Yayyyyy~ Who else is celebrating?


No one? Okay!
Anyways the new character names are


Want brief descriptions of their roles?

No? Too bad :P

A Demon who makes deals with humans in need to collect their souls and force them into her magic shows for all eternity. Her role is minor but she does create a main characters story and she may be at a centre of an arc but I'm not sure.

Ro-Ro's assistant. He made a deal with her and she liked him so much he became her primary helper and helps him with most her shows. He's a human who can't age. He should be 120+ but due to his deal with Ro-Ro he looks 20.
(Damn I need his skincare routine tbh) Minor main character

A transgender architect who is from the nation of technology. Created the major buildings of the nation of death and lives in a small cottage in the snowy mountains, only leaving for the Hydracy festival. Becomes a rather main character in the series important to many arcs.

The assistant to the God of Life. Cold and stoic in the face of almost anything the tall man is one of Charanite's many many many exes, but one of the only ones to come out unscathed. (He's Bi just felt like putting this in here)

An adult worker in deaths's not important but she does help a lot in the
Next arc so there's that ig?....

Anyways Thomas309360 hope you enjoyed this

Again sorry for my inactivity, I'm dim.

Again sorry for my inactivity, I'm dim

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Have a Nikolai and good day/night♡~

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