"•" The Hunter and the Prey

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As Charinite walked into the cell with her weapon she froze, quickly sounding an alarm "Attention staff of Death Castle! The Princess of Life has escaped!" She called her voice loud and booming.

Two knights rushed in immediately, along with Hydronite (The assistant to the God of Technology) also followed behind

"Knight 35, Knight 67, alert the other knights and close of the nation for a brief search" Charinite commanded and as the servants ran away, Charinite raised a hand slapping Hydronite in the face, the slap echoing throughout the cell "How the  could you let her go?!"

Hydronite narrowed her eyes "Was it my job to watch her?" She crossed her arms over her chest

"Yes it was, you dumb creature!" Charanite screamed I rage.

★with the gods★

Ellana sat up in her bed with a jolt "What the hell is this alarm going off for.." she muttered. And as she listened she groaned flopping back down

Aquiana turned to look at Ellana wrapping an arm around her in the bed "The fucks got you all worked up it's like 9am" Aquiana rolled her eyes as she sat up flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"That princess girl escaped!" Ellana was stressing, gripping the sheets tightly

"Heyy, don't worry about it. We didn't need her. We already got the gem of life" Aquiana rolled her eyes "Now just go back to bed" She huffed as she layed back down.

Ellana sighed "I...I guess your right Aqua..." she muttered as she layed back down, she supposed it wasn't worth it


As the lights flashed and sirens blared, three cloaked figures ran away into the snowy mountains of death, to find the holders of 'Crime and Punishment'

☆~Authors note~☆
With Ellana and Aquiana I'm literally not sure what anymore. Like I'm kind of making them date but they could also just be extremely close 👩‍🦲...I'm so good at life

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