Chapter 4: A strange occurance

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As Sophie looked into the eyes of the God, she couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Hmm...How interesting....I think I'm going to keep you! Like I'm...What's that human thing called when you get a random child that isn't yours?" Ellana asked

"Um...Adoption?" Sophie guessed, this couldn't actually be happening...

"Mhm, that!" The God laughed a little as she put  Sophie down.

Once Sophie was safely on the ground the God stood up on the large throne and with one jump she glided down to the ground, landing perfectly. Doing a little bow as she did so. She then leaned over Sophie who had been dropped landing on her hands and knees

" So anyways. I bet you have a ton of questions and to be completely honest with you, I don't care enough to answer them" the God said smiling brightly "I'll have my servants set up a room for you"

When Sophie went to leave The God added "Oh, and I'll also have to assign you something to look after. Hmm... how about you're agony, hm? 'Lower Level God of Agony?" The God laughed as she gripped Sophie's shoulder pulling her close and doing a circling motion with her hands, as if adding a little flair to what she had said.

"Um...Why Agony? " Sophie questioned making it clear she wasn't particularly fond of the title 'Lower level God of Agony'

"Becauseeeee, everyone in the family I have created has a title similar to mind, all having something vaguely related to death. It also means I have less responsibilities..." she had muttered the last part "Like, Lesser Lord Of Sin, Charles, I've heard you know him." She gestured to a stain glass of Charles. "Then of course their is Lower Lord and Lady Crime and Punishment" she gestured to another stained glass, this one of one woman and one man. They both had dark blue hair. "That is Alfie, My little brother. A really idiot but he's punishment so, if I was you I wouldn't piss him off. And the other one is um...Candace Rito'Haya...She is crime and I'm rather...uncomfortable talking about her...." She sighed "Then over there. My personal favourite of all my associates! " She laughed a little " Flotanary De'Flowatza, my perfect Wif-...Haha....I mean friend. She is the Mid level Lady of Souls"

"I suppose you'll see all of them eventually" Ellana laughed.

"Now now, let's get you to your room"

~End Of Chapter~

★Authors Note★:
I don't rly know what to put here.

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