Chapter 3. A Figure of Death

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Months went by and Sophie remained hidden. Charles got her food and water and clothes. She lived in luxury on the strict terms that she had to stay in his room until midnight, when the Palace was asleep.

Sophie had obviously agreed, she wouldn't give up such a good chance just because of the limited space. It was an otherwise perfect arrangement. So she would always act sweet and kind around Charles.

However like all good things, it had to come to an end.

One fateful Friday afternoon a humble maid walked into the room, she hadn't received the orders from Charles to stay clear of the room. She walked in to see Sophie sat on the bed, casually eating a little food while reading a book.

Sophie started begging with the maid to not report this to Lady Ellana, and for a while she kept her mouth shut. In exchange for a sum of money which Sophie was gradually stealing from drawers in Charles's room. But, of course. She eventually had none left.

The Maid, when she was told about the lack of money. Was enraged. She immediately planned to rat Sophie out, however there were a couple problems. She couldn't directly talk to Lady Ellana. And you may be thinking "Why not tell someone that can", well my dear reader, the problem is that it takes great effort to find anyone closely associated with the God of Death to be able to say.

So. Sophie mainly forgot about it. Living her life as she formally had. Until, one day two guards stormed into the room. Each grabbing Sophie and dragging her out of the room and down the hallways.

They dragged her, kicking and screaming, until they reached the grand doors. Pushing open the large 20 ft doors and pushing Sophie inside.

She fell landing on her hands and knees.  As the doors were shut behind her. She shakily stood up. Panicking, she would be executed for this! She was actually going to die!

"Who are you" Said a booming female voice.

As the woman spoke the candles which were lined the long purple carpet leading up to a large throne lit. Illuminating the path.

"I-I'm Sophie!" She replied, bowing. Was this...this thing.... the God of Death? She wasn't so sure, however just in case she was it didn't hurt to bow.

"Sophie...." the booming voice repeated. "So, Sophie. Come closer"

Sophie couldn't help herself, her legs started moving on their own as she walked forward towards the throne. The throne was facing away from Sophie do she couldn't see whoever was on it. All she knew was they were powerful.

"So, Child. What brings you to my Palace....Uninvited?" The booking voice asked

Sophie sighed. She was going to tell the truth, but because she has grown rather fond of Charles she didn't want to rat him out like the maid had ratted her out so she said.

"I was looking for food and shelter. A maid brought me here because she pitted me."

The God seemed to be in thought and suddenly there was a loud rumbling and the throne slowly began to turn round to face Sophie. Sophie quickly shielded her eyes. Unsure of what monster she would see, what a god truly looked like. Old text books and stained glass pictured them as human esc but she didn't know whether their appearances changed over time.

As she heard the throne stop she covered her eyes. Suddenly there was something wrapped around her ankle and she was flung into the air. Then something else suspended her in the air.

"You're rather small..." the voice said as if studying Sophie.

Reluctantly Sophie opened her eyes surprised to see a woman sat in the large throne. She was tiny compared to the throne, yet Sophie could tell she was still tall. From the looks of it 7 ft. Rather unnatural. The woman had blue eyes with skulls for pupils, it fit the theme of death well. The woman wore colours of blue, a rather beautiful combination and a long overcoat. Over one of her eyes was a playing card which had a light blue illustration of a blue gem.

"A-are you going to kill me?" Sophie asked ready to accept her fate.

"Oh dear...Oh dear...Oh dear~"

~End of Chapter~

Author note:
In the original there were only 4 gods
But now there is 10, but their are 5 main ones.
Also, the original 4 are out own characters, the God if Death being mine. So she has the same personality type as me. She was the first one I designed and is special to me. However I'm not using her as a self insert, it's just loosely based off of me.
Here are some notes

Name: Ellana De'Flowatza
Age: 2000+
Height: 7'1 (surprisingly the shortest god)
Gender: Female (self chosen as gods don't have specific genders)
Pronouns: She/They
Personality: INTP
-All mighty one
-The Jester
-God of Death
-Lady of Sin

Type of ruler in series:
Strict but decent.

-Seas & Oceans
-Good Food
- Women 😋

-Disrespect to her nation or her name
-The mention of "Candace Rito'Haya"
-Waiting in lines

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