Where is Charles?

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A couple months had gone by.

Sophie, now being in some ways adopted by the God of Death, had been given a quarters in the Palace of Death. Something strange, she had noticed. Was that Charles had gone missing.

Once Sophie had been found, she saw Charles less and less. Up until a month ago they still saw each other briefly once a week, but recently he had gone missing.

Sophie, eventually growing worried for the kind man who had given her housing decided to ask around. She walked to a blonde haired maid, blue shirts brown skirts. Just Death's maid uniform. Sophie quietly walked up, clearing her throat to gain attention.

"Oh! Dear, Sophie. What can I do for you ma'am?" The maid had asked with a smile.

"I was wondering if you had seen Charles anywhere? He seems to have gone missing...." Once Sophie had said this the maids eyes widened. She opened her mouth to speak when.


Sophie crashed to the ground. The world was spinning, there was a ringing in her ears shards of grass covered the ground.

"W-what the....."

End of Chapter 6

★•Author's note•★

Sorry this is shorter, I realised I haven't done this in a little while and I was bored. Yet again it's like 1am and I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed, the next chapter is going to be more lore heavy. I promise.


■About The "Sister Stories"■

My series, the main one Kingdom's end, has two sister stories written by my second Cousin, Thomas. OR WhiteOracle_Official. His series aren't really cannon only contain certain cannon elements (atleast in the war of the gods) he helped me with this, he was and still is my original co-creator and he is completely allowed to write this material, keep in mind however if you read both that his is not completely cannon.

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