The Wrath Of death

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"Heart as cold as ice
Relishing in the chill of death"

The maid, lay in chunks on the ground blood pooled around the ground. Sophie sat up, frightened. Unsure of what had happened. Yet, another maid with ginger hair and freckles all over her face, casually walked over cleaning it all up.

Sophie stopped the woman "What the actual fuck was that?!...."

The maid stopped, pulling Sophie into a closet. "It's the curse..."

"Curse?" Sophie asked "What curse?"

"The curse of deaths missing eye..."

"Once upon a time, long ago when God's were more than just monarchs,
But powerful beings
there was a battle over who would Become the God of Death.
There was a battle and, as you can tell
Our Current god
'Ellice De'Flowatza'
But in a foul move, Keiren La'soler
Threw a dagger in Our gods eye.
Taking it straight out.
Legend has it that the eye is still missing to this day, being the reason she wears a playing card over her right eye."

"Right, cool fairytale but that doesn't actually answer me, what's the curse?" Sophie glared

"Well, the curse is once you are tattooed with an eye you can't speak about it anymore. However I'm from Technogloica, and don't have one." The nurse stated

Sophie pondered this. Walking down the halls and at the stained glass, it seemed to tell a story. The story they told was of a Queen, who had three Siblings. The Queen was the Queen I'd death, and her Siblings embodied sins....Like, Sophie thought, the associates and family of the God if life being in charge if heavenly values. The Queen was light hearted and funny, laughing with her jester and dancing in celebration with her knights until, it seems, when the sister if the twins, crime, left for the tall mountains which separated Ellice's kingdom from the rest. The Queen seemed to spiral sending an eternal winter to her kingdom. Until a girl with fish ears and a tail walked up taking her by the hand, the woman, Sophie recognised , was the God of water and.......


☆•Authors note•☆
◆Technogloica is the most hated amongst the kingdoms for its people being cocky and for a failed assassination attempt on the God of life by a Technoglocian.

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