Chapter 30: Recon

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Nighthawk and Deathbringer stared at each other. The two Nightwings had been arguing quietly. Deathbringer was telling him he shouldn't go, but Nighthawk was saying he had two. His tail lashed as he looked at the empty cell where his friend was, growling.

"It doesn't matter to me how dangerous it is. I already lost two important people to me, I'm not going to make the same mistake as a dragon. You won't stop me."

"Hold on- what? People? What's a people?"

"What you dragons call scavengers."

"Were they pets? Did you eat them?"

"No! I did not eat them!" Nighthawk hissed and barred his teeth. "They were killed by a dragon named Viper, I was turned into this scaly beast by magic." He grumbled. "But that's not important, I have to save Lobster, and I'll do it with or without your help." He huffed and started to make his way out of the dungeons.

"You're venturing towards your death, Nighthawk." He said. Nighthawk scoffed and kept walking. It didn't matter, he made a promise to get Lobster home and he was going to keep it. As he snuck up to the top of the stairs, he heard voices. Now fixing his cloak over himself, he was able to sneak against the shadows to avoid detection. He stalked quietly through the palace.

Something tugged on his tail, he looked back and saw Deathbringer. His brow raised and his head tilted. His companion pointed forward, so Nighthawk let him lead. They started to head forward towards the way they entered. Much noise could be heard down the hall. Many servants, guards and aristocrats were moving about.

'A feast' He thought. There was no time to sneak in and take a look. Deathbringer led him towards the door, which was guarded now. He huffed and grabbed the club. It was quick and easy, both were unconscious and on the ground.

"Alright, this swamp is gonna be crawling with dragons. We have a few options, fly fast, or stealth. Mudwings won't be able to catch up to us if we fly, I suspect. Or-"

"Or, I can wait until Burn leaves and follow them, alone if I have to." Nighthawk growled. "I'm not letting him die."

"Listen, I'm a master Assasin and even I wouldn't try to go after Burn. She will crush you."

"No she won't. I can handle her." Nighthawk huffed. "And besides, I have to save him."

"You're very determined." Deathbringer chuckled and pat his shoulder. "I'd go with you, but I don't have a death wish. Maybe. I'll think about it."

"Whatever." Nighthawk grumbled. "Let's sneak out way out. Don't wanna cause a panic." He said quietly. Then they started to make their way back to his temporary camp. They moved through the swamp, Nighthawk scoffing as his cloak got muddy.

"Fuckin hell-" He growled and pulled the sleeves up.

"What? Your fancy cape getting all dirty? Why do you wear that anyway? Your scales are dark enough."

"I don't have to answer that."

"It must be hot in that thing." Deathbringer turned to him. "You should probably take it off."


"You're only gonna make it filthier, and it will slow you down."

"Absolutely not. I move quite fast in it."

"You were pretty swift in the palace." He shrugged and kept walking. Nighthawk rolled his eyes, walking past him. He wasn't in too much of a spectacular mood at the moment. Once they got back to the camp, he sat inside the cave and watched the mudwing palace with a spyglass he brought. He studied it close.

"So what's your plan for this?"

"To get Lobster back."


"I'm going to follow them, and when they stop to rest, I'll free him." Nighthawk grumbled. "Stop bothering me, I'm trying to focus." He growled softly. From what he could see, the palace was still bustling and busy. He adjusted the lense and got a closer view on the dragons at the main entrance. All that was in sight were a few packs of mudwings.

"How long do these things usually last?"

"Depends on the dragon. Burn doesn't typically enjoy parties, so she could be leaving anytime. Most likely soon."

"Hm." Nighthawk kept watching, hoping to see something. "It's about noon." He looked up towards the sun in the sky, then at a small sundial he had brought with him. It was placed on the ground outside the cave. "At least we can rest while we wait."

"Absolutely. You want me to go find something to eat?"

"Sure, just don't get caught." Nighthawk huffed. He led still while Deathbringer went hunting, just watching the palace. Occasionally a sandwing or two went outside here or there, but No burn. When Deathbringer came back, he turned and looked at what he hunted.


"Yes, they're quite good. Especially raw. I even skinned them for your convenience. I was sure you didn't want to get any blood on your costume."

"Gross." Nighthawk scoffed, a little disgusted. "I'm cooking mine." He said as he took it and walked in the cave. "And it is not a costume." He growled.

"Suit yourself." His companion said, sounding humored. Rolling his eyes, he roasted his prey, making sure it was nice and cooked before he started eating. It didn't take him long to eat, mostly because he had to keep an eye on the sandwings. He crawled back out of the hiding spot and peered at the palace.

There she was. Burn was leaving, dragging a chained up Lobster behind her. This was his chance, he had to follow them.

"You see them? Great." Deathbringer tossed some bones away before walking over.

"Yes. You coming with?" Nighthawk sat up and put his spyglass away before glancing towards the sandwings.

"I said I'd help, didn't I?"

"Hah, well that's good to hear. Let's move." Nighthawk packed up everything and got it on his back. Just as they were about to leave, he got another good look at Burn and the sandwings. They were coming straight towards them.

Wings of Fire: Nighthawk Where stories live. Discover now