Hogsmeade Date

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"Swoosh" Rainbow Dash who was wearing a white long-sleeve button-up blouse with the sleeves rolled up, a Gryffindor tie with black slacks, and her signature rainbow high tops was broom surfing going around the quidditch pitch. She was in her 5th year at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry and was practicing on her broom and quidditch skills for the next quidditch game which was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw happening in two weeks.

"Dash!" Rainbow heard someone call her and looked at the ground to see her three close friends Fluttershy whom she'd known since they were little holding her pet jackalope named Angel wearing the uniform and robe of Hufflepuff, Pinkie who was in the same house as her wearing the Gryffindor uniform and robe holding some candy and Sunset reading a book regarding defense against the dark arts wearing the Slytherin uniform and robe. Despite being in Slytherin and Dash and Pinkie being in Gryffindor that didn't stop Sunset from hanging out and being friends with them despite their house rivalry.

"We're heading to the great hall for lunch!" Pinkie yelled. "Coming!" Dash yelled surfing fast towards the ground and gently hovered over the ground before jumping onto the grassy pitch and picking up her broom which was the fire bolt. "Let's go! I'm starving!" Dash said grabbing her robe and leather bag and jogging towards the castle entrance with Sunset, Pinkie, and Fluttershy following behind.

Leaving the quidditch field and heading to the castle before entering the great hall and taking a seat at the Gryffindor table as the four friends began serving themselves food and drinks. "Anyone excited for the Hogsmeade trip that's happening next weekend?" Rainbow asked. "Definitely," Pinkie said excitedly with food in her mouth before swallowing. "Can't wait to go to Honeydukes and see the sweets they have or get even more sweets!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Same looking forward to going to Zonko's joke shop also maybe getting some new pranking items that I could use!"Dash said cheekily smiling. "I'm looking forward to spending time with all of you," Fluttershy said softly. "I'm excited to taste some butterbeer and maybe even get some new books and supplies," Sunset said not looking up from her book. "Are you sure you're not supposed to be in Ravenclaw? Or are you trying to impress Twilight?" Dash said taking a bite out of her ham before a slightly annoyed Sunset smacked Rainbow Dash on the back of her head with her book. "Ouch! Okay, okay, I was just kidding!" Dash said wincing as she rubbed her head before glaring at her. "You didn't deny it though," Rainbow mumbled. "Focus on your own crush problems, Dash," Sunset said smiling before closing her book.

"Ooh! Speaking of crushes! I think I see Applejack and Twilight talking with Rarity," Pinkie said pointing to one of the four tables as Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Sunset
noticed that at the Ravenclaw table. Rarity and Twilight both wearing the Ravenclaw uniform and robes along with Applejack who was wearing the Hufflepuff uniform and robe talking and glancing toward them once in a while.

"That's not suspicious at all," Fluttershy said causing Dash and Sunset to nod in agreement before the four of them focused back on their conversation before changing the topic to something else before finishing eating and heading to their next classes. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash having potions with Sunset while Fluttershy has charms class with Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity.

Time skip the day before the Hogsmeade Trip

"Expecto Patronum!" Rainbow whispered as she was in the now empty charms classroom practicing her Patronus spell. Suddenly sliver streams of magic appeared from the tip of her wand. Dash watched in amazement as the sliver streams began to form into an eagle as it started flying around, Rainbow Dash watched in amazement as it began to fly around the classroom before looking at Dash and flew in front of her before nodding at her as it soon slowly disappeared earning a satisfied grin from her.

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