chapter -27

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After holding her hand in my mine .
Again it's my first time of holding  hand in with someone .
I think people hold hand for sense for protection.

She forward her little right leg in front and look at me like asking permission to do so or not .

I nob my head and she again forward her left leg .
"Her feet look cute in thick sole of her white sandal". The maid has a great sense of shopping , they really look after her comfort.

I also forward to walk with her. We go down.

She don't stright her neck till now looking at her sandals.

I turn her body to facing me and pull her chin up to look at me .

They don't gonna run .

She look at me with questionable look .

Sandals your sandals ! . I point out.

You don't give her solid diet right;

No sir . Just a soup ...

Hmmm . ..

After making sure she didn't eat solid diet. Because she needs to go through some test so her stomach must be empty.

Sir I pack initial thing in bag .

Maid give the bag to guard.

I starting walk to car . I eye turn side the girl pace is so slow. I also reduce my speed cause if she fell I have to take her some other day and again live my work at midway.

Before sitting in car I gesture her to sit first .

She look at me .

And say .

Are yoz ....going to leave me in bad uncle house?

She try to say all word properly. But her word somehow pang in my heart .

She so good never disobeyed me . I want to keep her for me .

No baby why would I leave'.you . You are so good girl .i assure her .

She look at me and nob .

But suddenly say
Okay .

To follow rule of replying in words.

She sit in the back sit and today I'm taking driver so I also take sit by her side .

The driver look back to take a signals to start rolling of tires.

The window of car all black , closed and AC is on .
She lean her forehead to look out of the window. Then she look at me her hair which was in ponytail now on the barge to open she kind of siting on her hair cause they are so long to handle by her . Who don't even hold her self properly and her hair are causing more trouble, she paying the beauty cost . But I don't lie her hair add more ' one more feather on one cap ' .

The sound of taping on glass take me out from trace.

She is pointing to the window.

You want me to open it ?

Yes .... , her soft voice filled in silent car .

Open the window .

Yes sir ..

She gazed on tall buildings car trees ever single thing which we crossing.

After some time we come at the hospital.

Driver open the car door for me than her but she doesn't step out I bend myself to look why she don't come out . I forwarded my hand looking in her eye which hold so much fear in them . She hesitated first then she glace my dark eye . And hold my hand ,

I take her in hospital. Its not so big or crowded hospital because this personal hospital is recently open . I decided to choose this place I'm not sure if she okay to go at much crowd place . And doctor Choi is best for her treatment.

As we enter the smell of cleaning liquid filled our nose .

My eye turn to her and she is busy to admirer the design on celling.

We enter in cabin .

Doctor Choi stand and bow at me .

Y/n hide behind me .

Hey he is not gonna hurt you bubs ..

I assure her .

But I didn't work .

I'll give you icecream if you listen me .

I whisper in her ear . I have to bend to talk with her .

Have a sit Mr Kim .

I nod and take my sit and told her to sit too .

Mr Kim can you show me her perveous description?

I take out the file which has her medicine list .

I think we need to talk alone .
He said while looking at her .

I check on her bag and there is her plushie to play with .

Y/n can you play for some time there .

I point at the couch which place in some distance.

She get up and went to play with her toy.

Yeah so what you want to talk ?

She is drugged addict and she has some neurological disorder .

I know that! Tell me if we gonna treat her or not .

I said while twisting my teeth because I know what he is saying .

I got clear on her condition then I check her .

Listen I want you to check her all fucking organ ever single thing. You have make sure her body is fit and fine . .. do you get that .

I said while rising my voice.

Okay si..sir .

Good now start doing your work . And more thing dare to touch her Unnecessary.

I clearly see him gulp saliva down in fear .

Okay sir .
He call for a nurse a young girl comes in bow down her head.

Give ma'am a gown and ready CT scan and MRI . And take her blood and urine for test .

Okay doctor.
She went to her .

And take her behind the curtain and help her in Chang.

She came out. And y/n hold her long ass hair in her small hand in tight girp .

Don't know why she is so possesive for her hair .

I don't like how the colour not enhanced her beauty they make her look sick .

The dull blue colour gown tie behind her back . She still look cut now her snadal Change in hospital slippers.

She look at me .

For what reason I give her little smile.

Sir I told ma'am to tie her hair in bun but ma'am don't let me do it .

It's okay . I'll do it .

I stand in front of her and take her hand in mine.

Do you trust me .. I asked her I know it's hard to trust this fast .

But I know the only person in this world hurt or heal her is me only me .

She look at me and her eye filled with tear .

Promic yoz don'c pull them?!.( promise you don't pull them ??)

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