chapter -45

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Should I cut them off .

The chopping of her hair crosses his mind but he stops .. to not do that.
He remembers how possessive she is when it comes to her hair, like they are the only thing she treasures them . And it looks so beautiful on her , her small face and long ass hair they suit on her according to her skin colour her hair also cooperate, and most importantly it's broke her trust broke if he cut her hair which he doesn't want .

He pick his phone up and type about the simple hairstyle, it's cringe him to . He scroll through many videos and he learnt from one .

Princess come here and sit .

He told her proudly like he was gonna create a masterpiece .

He pick up the hairbrush and detangle her wild hair it's really a hard word her hair is impossiblely long . He can smell her shampoo, conditioner and her own mesmerizing fragrance.

She scared a bit when he about to touch her hair but down her shoulder when he softly detangle them .

He play video again and again. After some time he understands and start to braid her hair in beautiful fish tail,
After alot of struggle her done with his art .

Now the mafia look all cute and funny.

He said after putting cute hair accessories which he brought her on shopping day .
She stare her self in mirror.
It's the first time when someone  touch her hair to comb but not to pull and rip off.  This the work for mom to do hair of daughter but she is the unlucky one who don't get any of love and care which she deserves , even they don't even left her life normal they make her disable,and dependent on other but she not get any one shoulder to cry on . Complaining about the people who hurt her . Even god also abandoned her .

He saves her the one people call devil, ruthless and god knows what ,

For her he is her everything, if taehyung left her then,she is dead on that  second.

She trun her head to gaze at taehyung who is in his own victory.

When his eyes meet with her teary orbs .

His smile drop .


The word left from her mouth but he knows he make clear to her to call him that on bed , he think that she forget he about to interrupt her but stop in med way when her other sentences shake him to the core .

Thanwk zo.. you are the onlwy one , touwch my hawir to comwb ..
Nobodwy carwr when yn is sick or not have foowd but ... zoo

She don't able to complete her words because she has alot of emotions but she don't have words to express it , her brain doesn't let her form clear words..which she hated..she know she is not normal that's why she chooses to be silent. Her mother's father hates it when she talks 'They even loathe when she Breath'.

Taehyung Don't think twice before hugs her in bone crushing embrace ,

He want to hurt her but

How  can he broke a thing which already broken in molecular

She is broken but  she is like kintsugi  ' broken but fix with gold,

A loud weel echo in room ,

Don't cry .. now I'm your everything dove ,your god ,your mother father..

After claming her down he decided to clean himself up ,

Wait here I'll be back after a shower..

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