chapter -43

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I snap fingers and brighten the atmosphere.

I throw a warm feeling of cover  there is blood on the  chocolate brown bedsheet and also on my pants there is a big patch of blood around my knee area in  white sweat pants,

What should I do ?

Did her periods just started,,

This girl really doesn't let me breathe in relief.

Wait "did girl really bleed this much or there is some other issues,

Should I call that asshole doctor....

I pick up my cell from night stand and disconnect charger and dial doctor number,

After few ring he pick up the call ...

Yes mr kim ,

I think she started her menstrual cycle...

Ohh that's okay

she is bleeding to much .

It's her first time, that's why she is bleeding to much ..


I just hummed and end up the call .

I Shake her little and she open her eye she look so sleepy her eye look so droopy.

She sit up slowly but her eye widden in terror..

Sowwy sowwy yn don't do it knowingly....

She is literally shaking in fear she join her hand in front of me .

Yn wewt the bed by mistawke ...

One minute did she think she wet bed by pee ...

Hey it's okay..

I try to console her cause her breath start accelerate .

I pull her into a tight hug .

Its alright

It's just okay .

She started to clam down a bit

Lets clean you up .

But wait we don't have pad in house .

I remove the blanket slowly she still in my arms her head is on my nape .
I slowly interview my hand on her slim thighs to pick her up and support her butt with my hand she is still sobing in low voice embrace by her actions which she don't know.

I take her to bathroom.

I place her on toilet sit, thank good her pants is purple colour, so she don't panic after seeing blood, cause I don't want to explain all the shit in mid night..

Been can you sit here I'll come in five minutes..
She look at me then nob slowly

I walk out of the house at a fast pace, I know I can send guards I don't want to involve someone  else in this , so I start engine then run to convenient store for pad .

I get in girls section and pull all type of pad in the cart and run to billing it . I threw all the money in the counter the boy in blue coat uniform gaze at me then cart and about to return money and scan the cart but I don't have time to waste on it   .

Keep all the money ..

But sir

Shut up ..want to die or keep the money.

He look at my face in shock , after knowing who I'm am he bow down and start to apologise ,

I want out with cart and put all the stuff in back sit and start to drive towards home .
I enter bathroom with the pads in my hand .

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