Chapter 17

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    They all woke up in panic as they woke up in a different area and were separated from the others. Until they were Poofed back into the reaction room with Estella waiting there.

    "Hey everyone, hope you had a good rest" Estella said not caring if they did or not "let's continue"

    Everyone wanted to say something but stayed quiet and hoped that they could finish it faster so they could go back home.






    Everyone got comfortable and paid attention to the scene.

RELIEVED SIGH escaped Penelope's lips; her trip to the magical academy had been a success. The new modifications in the training technique were implemented perfectly and the bill for allowing commoners education in the university passed without much opposition as well. Month and a half passed in these preparations, and as per the Empress' suggestion, the search for a new energy source for the mages was being carried out well.

    'Whose point of view is it' thought Penelope

    'Is she at the Emperor's palace or something' thought the Duke, Derrick and Emily

    'Is this going to be only about her or something' thought Reynold 'i'm bored'

With the changes being made, there was a significant growth in the number of aspiring warlocks in the university, which was a promising improvement for the coming years. Even Claude was satisfied with this progress, meaning her month's worth of hard work paid off. Penelope was at ease, now that her workload was reduced significantly, she could concentrate more on her personal archaeological research.

    Penelope's face brightened up when she heard she was doing archaeological research and that she was finally able to do something she enjoys. This didn't go unnoticed to the family and wondered since when was she interested in this kind of thing.

This meant she got to spend more time with her new 'family' too, and more often than not, the Empress found herself helping Athanasia out with her sociology and geology studies. Discussions about her lesson at tea-time became an unspoken rule of sorts, with time Penelope was promoted from 'miss Empress' to 'mother', much to CLaude's surprise. She had even brought in a pet, a divine beast called raven that the princess had summoned herself.

    Penelope was very pleased seeing how happy she was, Emily was also pleased that her lady finally gets the love she deserves.

    The family wonder when Penelope was ever good at sociology and geology, as far as they remember she never studied or went to the library that they were aware of.

Penelope still remembered the first time Athanasia had let the term slip in front of Claude — whose face was so hilariou, remembering it alone sent Penelope into fits of giggles.

Not to mention, the Emperor too had warmed up to her presence — for he seemed to have stopped reading disinterest in the conversation she had with Athanasia, and rather listened intently, sometimes even participating if he felt like it.

    'What?!' Penelope mentally shouted in confusion on how that iceberg warmed up to her. Emily smiled happily that they were getting along and hoped they could be happy together as husband and wife.

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