Chapter 7

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[ Obelian Palace Early Evening ]

Claude's POV

    'So it's his point of view of things' thought Penelope

QUIET EMBRACES THE STUDY — the view outside the emperor's study is dull due to the grayish color that had cloaked itself over the surroundings. Clouds that seemed to have traveled all the way from east, hadn't yet dissipated from the skies.

The rain will be good this year; Claude muses to himself, faraway gaze replaying within minds the events from before.

    The family waited patiently to see what was going to happen and if Penelope was going to be okay.

Thankfully, the Duke had prepared well for the retreat of his Claude's entourage, a magical portal allowing them conveniently skip the journey to the outskirts of the Obelian Empire; from there it had taken all but three days to arrive in the capital.

The Empress, he noticed, was a silent creature. Even when they had shared a tent during their travels, he could barely hear any noise that would show her presence. One couldn't hear her, she was quiet as a cat. But her presence was more felt than heard. Like a mild gust of breeze, with the ever lingering scent of silk surrounding her.

    'Is that true?' thought Penelope

    'My lady is very quiet at times' thought Emily

Their exchanges were curt, for neither of them were people of many words. Felix was friendly with the new Empress, suggesting it was necessary to make her feel welcomed. Athanasia remained quiet save for the morning and night greetings, replied just as awkwardly as they were received.

    The family agree that Penelope is not very sociable but was happy that there were no conflicts so far.

A faint knock on the room's door snapped him out of his reverie. Odd — usually Felix announces himself in lieu of just knocking — "enter." he responds, turning just slightly to see who it was that visited him.

The first thing he sees is a glimpse of magenta hair peeking out from the crack in the door — followed by a tea-tray being carried in.

"Blessing upon the sun of Obelia."

    It was shocking to the family that Penelope was willingly with the Emperor on her own. But then again they are married and that should be normal right?

She greets. His attention now fixated on the figure that enters, Claude approaches the Empress, gesturing to her to take a seat.

"Why did you carry this yourself?" he questioned, watching her pour tea with no other reason than plain boredom.

"I happened to pass the maid on my way, hence I insisted." she replied in the same, impassive way as his own. Sliding a cup of mild pink brew towards him.

     'What with the atmosphere' Reynold thought 'Fucking suffocating'

"Is there any specific reason for your visit?" cut to the point, his question oddly enough does not catch her off guard. Instead she replies,

    'Was that supposed to intimidate me?' Penelope wonder in her head

    'Such a thick atmosphere' the rest of the family thought

    'Sigh, my lady' thought Emily

"I wished for his majesty's assistance regarding the issue of the magical force of the Obelian Empire. One of my prime aims for coming here is to help Obelia grow as a magical power, and pardon my suspicion, but I don't know any nobles that I can trust with giving me the correct information yet,"

    'Work, of course' thought Emily

Ah . . . so it was her job that she was here to talk to him with. Her mentioning lack of trust in nobles made him smirk, it was good to see the Empress wasn't a fool who gave into flights of fancy and believed what the nobles wanted to show her.

    'Was that a compliment or an insult' thought Penelope

"If that is what you want," he chimes, bringing the cup of tea to his lips. Lippe tea, flowery as ever in his mouth.

"There are records of the magic university that you can find in the tower from any new statistics. Other than that, for the force inspection you will have to accompany me on a field trip to that tower."

    'Boring' Reynold whined mentally

She nodded, concentrating on making herself a cup of tea. It seems she was not fond of lippe tea, he found himself absently comparing.

    'Who is he comparing her to?' most of them thought

    'Ah, Athanasia's mother, Lady Diana' thought knowingly Penelope

Penelope — Claude noticed — was hard to read. Her face was beautiful, he admitted that much. Sharp outlines, big marine hued eyes that always seemed so keen, as if she could see through you. But her expression was always apathetic, barely any reaction of her thoughts displayed.

    "That's fucking true" yelled Reynold, which earned a pinch form Penelope. He turned and gave a glare as he held the side he was pinched. The Duke just turned blind eye at Penelope's action and chuckled to himself. Derrick just stayed quiet knowing he doesn't have a good relationship and would ruin the mood.

"I would also like to ask his majesty for something else too." her questions brought him back from his thoughts.

    The family were all wondering how he was going to respond to this or his thoughts about Penelope.

Something else; rumor said the princess of Eckart was a tacky woman. Did she want jewels? Why would she ask him, then? Did the Empress not get a key to the treasury herself?

    'Of course' Penelope mentally sighed, done with all those rumors about her when they didn't even know her at all. Nobles are just so annoying and stupid for believing in rumors then getting to know someone.

    'Ah' the family thought, not knowing what to say to that. Wondering if it was their fault rumors were made or because they didn't stop it from being made and spread.

"Feel free to." he replied.

With a faint simper — perhaps the first he'd seen since their wedding that was not for the sake of courtesy or putting up a display in front of others — she looked up at him.

"I wish to attend the small council meetings, if you'd allow me."

    No one expected Penelope to ask that.

A place in the small council. He thought over it for a moment. Women were usually not allowed among ministers for political discussions unless they'd done something extraordinary, foreign women much less; but then again, what the nobles thought never quite mattered to Claude first.

    They all weren't surprised at his thought about nobles.

"Alright. You can join them."

He replied, earning practiced words of gratitude from her — not insincere, he was sure of that — but yet somehow not betraying a single speck of emotion in them.

THUNDER ringing softly outside made the arrival of rain known, the darker gray coloring entering to bathe the room in its glow as the sound of water against windows filled the empty hall.

    Most of the family were uncomfortable with the scenario and silent that filled the room.

Together they sat in silence.

And somehow, the silence wasn't really uncomfortable.

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