Chapter 2

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— 00 prologue

   Reynold 'what kind of title is that'

   Penelope stared at the title on the screen, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I guess it's starting," she announced. Everyone else in the room remained silent, their eyes glued to the title, anticipation palpable in the air. Penelope took a deep breath and steeled herself for what was to come. She knew that this was the beginning of something big, and that she had to be ready for it.

Eckart Mansion (The Duke's Office)

The Morning had dawned cold, with a dreary bunch of clouds cloaking the skies and causing a gloomy gray to fall upon the surroundings. The crispiness in the morning suggested full well the end of summer — which usually took it's leave sooner than most in the Empire of Inca

   The Eckart family wonder why they were shown first on the screen. As Callisto whispers to Penelope " Looks like we're starting with your family princess.". While Penelope wondered why she had to sit with him but remained calm on the outside.

The Eckart mansion was dimly lit in this weather — filled with the quiet, subtle hustle of the servants in the background, a faint earthy scent lingering ever so softly in the welcoming hall from the wet earth of the gardens outside.

   Everyone was quiet as they were watching the screen. Some thought the scenario was pretty, and others were bored.

Penelope — unwilling to engage in the whispered commotion between her father and Derrick, her elder brother – both of whom looked like they'd seen a ghost –

   " My, my, princess, you look beautiful as ever." Callisto commented.

   " Thank you, your highness," Penelope said in a calm voice. Then proceed to ask " why is father and brother Derrick look pale? Miss Estella"

   The Duke was touched that his daughter was concerned for them. While Derrick was also curious why he looked distressed.

   " You will find out on the screen and I won't answer any question unless necessary." Estella said in a calm voice before the screen unpaused.

Chose to busy herself with the translation of the runic engraving in yet another treasure chest that had been brought in from the neighboring kingdom.

   " I didn't know you were interested in this kind of stuff, Penelope," the Duke said to his daughter.

   Penelope responded " when I had some time in secret, father" she was astonished that the other self stayed in the game. 'Will I be able to get out of this stupid game'

She preferred keeping it this way, dealing with the snakepit that was the noble circle drained her more than hours spent in the mage tower did.

   "What!?" shout the Eckart family.

   " Since when are you a mage!?" shouted Reynold

   " I don't know, remember that another version of me" responded Penelope

   " My, My, Princess, referring to the noble circle as a snake Pit," Callisto said and smirked, " I couldn't have said it better myself."

It was neglectful on her part, as the ducal princess of the Eckart household

   " Penelope, don't ruin the family's reputation by neglecting your duties !" Derrick stated calmly for he was in front of other people.

   "Derrick, stop being rude to your sister," said the Duke as he turned to Penelope. " It's fine if you don't wish to participate in tea parties being in this universe or another universe."

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