Chapter 23

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[μυστηριώδης ξένος]

The mysterious stranger

    'Well that's not suspicious at all' thought Penelope

THE KNOCK ON HER DOOR — hardly audible if not for the silence that blankets her chambers — coaxes Penelope's attention to the man who stands there with his hand extended. Aside from his attire, he has the same blank look on his face as she takes his hand, quite sure she's mirroring his expression.

    'Creepy' thought Reynold

They step towards the entrance of the ballroom, her hand looped around his arm. He looked displeased, she notes, turquoise eyes curious — turning back towards the audience after lingering on his face for a fleeting moment.

    They were confuse on what was going on

"The Sun and Moon of the Obelian Empire — Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia and Empress Penelope de Alger Obelia have arrived!"

The announcement stilled the chatter dispersed in the banquet hall, making the attendants all bow; she felt a warm whisper close to her ear, making her freeze.

    Penelope knew why she was like that because it happened to her right now. Fucking nobility and their gossips. Emily was worried about her lady suffering the same thing she does but knew her lady was strong. The rest of the family stayed quiet at the all to familiar scenario.

"You don't have to force yourself to keep appearances, if you want, you can leave." His words were oddly considerate coming from a man of his reputation — different from the usual 'don't act rashly and besmirch the name of Eckart family' she received every time she made her entrance with derrick. Penelope gave Claude a knowing look,

    Derrick felt offended at the comparison and thought it wasn't his fault for her immature behavior. Reynold and the Duke look disappointed in themselves for not doing anything or turning blind eye.

"That would be too selfish of me, wouldn't it?" she said, without turning in his direction as they headed down the stairs in unison. Keeping appearances, making sure no-one knows what you're struggling with; that's what she did best, after all.

    The Duke and Reynold flinch at hearing that and become even more gloomy of themselves. Derrick thought she was lying and being dramatic about everything, since she should be grateful that father took her in this family.

The first dance was expected of the royal couple, so she let him lead her to the middle of the floor as the music started flowing on cue, his hand on her waist — hers on his shoulder. Slowly, they began to waltz, spinning in circles, shuffling feet moving fluidly to the rhythm; he leaned close to her, the look on his face distraught.

    Penelope hoped she at least practiced to dance since never in her life had she danced at all.

"Have I told you before that you're a fantastic dancer?" she complimented, looking up at him. He simply smirked in response, raising an eyebrow down at her.

    Penelope wondered if she is being genuine or not

"Not quite, I'm simply better than you." she rolled her eyes in turn, eyes widening on being picked up and swirled in the air all of a sudden — move which earned several gasps and gushes from the crowd.

    Penelope was wondering if she should be flustered by the sudden move or annoyed at the remark he said. Emily was squealing internally as she watched the scene in front of her.

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