Chapter 22

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[The letters]




    They looked at the screen after they were done with processing Penelope progress with the Emperor in their relationship. [which I find them being too much, but how am I to judge....Anygay]

HAPPINESS CRYSTAL over his features, the Duke had to stand back a moment to take his daughter's image in completely; it had been some months, true, but she looked far too grown up — mature in such a short time — he couldn't help the swell of pride in his chest that appeared watching her carry herself with such grace, every inch the Empress no-one expected her to be.

    Penelope was debating if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult. Derrick approved Penelope's appearance and manners. Reynold was doubting that that was her.

"Welcome, father." she said, giving him an earnest smile, to which he couldn't respond — not with words anyway. So instead he ended up engulfing her in a warm embrace, patting the back of her head.

    The Duke's action on the screen was a shock to Penelope and was envious of that kind of relationship but thought that she was being foolish.

"Happy birthday, dearest." he said, pulling back to press a kiss to her forehead in an affectionate manner.

    Reynold snorted a bit at the cringy nickname

"Can you please stop hogging her? I want to be done with my wishes too." came the cranky voice of Reynold from behind them, and the Duke couldn't help but shake his head as he watched his younger son loop an arm around Penelope's neck and mess her hair.

    Penelope glared at Reynold and Reynold smirked at Penelope, the Duke just fondly shook his head and ignored them.

"Tch tch, look at you pretending to be all sophisticated — hah!" he teased, earning a jab in his ribs delivered promptly through Penelope's elbow.

    Reynold also earned a smack in the head by Penelope's fan...that somehow still didn't break by the amount of time used to hit someone.

" — OW! I was just trying to wish you a happy birthday! Crazy bitch." he muttered angrily, shoving a gift in her hand whilst scowling at her at the same time.

    Emily just giggled at their interaction with each other but made sure no one heard her giggling.

The Duke clicked his tongue, pinching the bridge of his nose in an irritated manner (*that still did not hide his little smile, though.*)

"She is married now, Reynold. And an Empress at that. Show some dignity and don't embarrass me in front of the Emperor."

    Everyone but the Duke and Derrick thought 'sure' in the most sarcastic way possible.

And as if on cue, Claude made his entrance in the receiving hall with Athanasia at his side.

"Blessings and glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire." the Duke greeted, Reynold quietly curtseying along with his father. Claude nodded in acknowledgement.

    'A man of many words' thought the Duke and Emily

"I'm thankful you accepted our invitation, Duke Eckart. Your presence honors Obelia." he said, voice composed.

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