The beginning

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Everyone knows how Disventure Camp went. Fiore manipulates everyone just to lose. But, not here. Here, the show has barely started when the killings start. Let's start from the beginning though, agreed?

Everyone was of the bus an had been assigned to their teams. Will was walking with his team. Same with Fiore. Little did they know what would happen soon. Their fates would become entwined by the choice of several people.
Fiore and Gabby had switched teams and Will was uneasy about the little girl. He knew she was a child, but she made him nervous and fearful. There was something about the way she smiled and giggled that caused him fear. He looked in her eyes and all he saw was a monster.
But, little did he know that soon, his fate would be connected with hers. They would have to learn to get along.
Wait. What's that rustling? Who is that in the shadows? Why is Nick going into the woods? Is the shadow following him? Oh dear, I hope he will be all right.

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