Lost in the Echo

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Title credits: my other kid on Discord
Fiore's POV:
We were all having a rough time. I know that Will thinks I believed his lie about him burying an animal, but it's obvious he was lying. After all, Ashley isn't at camp. She must have died. I wonder how brutal it was.
3rd Person POV:
That night, he left his tent because he heard something and was worried that someone was leaving. He didn't see anything, so he shrugged and was about to go into his tent until he realized that everyone would be waking up soon. He sat next to the campfire and started it so that whoever was awake after him wouldn't have to. Grave mistake my friend. The killer saw him and they snuck up on him then pushed him in the fire. He tried to get out but he wasn't strong enough to resist the flames. The killer ran afterwards.
Fiore an Grett left their tent and saw the burning body, leading to Fiore screaming.

Let me ask you dear readers. Who do you think it is? Nick? Will? Alec? Dan? Or perhaps even the sweet Drew?

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