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Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this story. I really appreciate it and I hope you'll all stick around for Book 2 when it's time for season two.

Grett's POV:
As I turned out, Fiore's parents were found dead in their home and Drew's parents are missing, so Yul and I adopted them. Fiore and Drew both ended up losing sight in their right eye and Fiore lost her right arm while Drew's right hand was extremely hurt and his hearing started failing in his right ear.

Apparently I had twisted my left leg and pulled a few muscles, so I had to get a cast. Yul has supported us through this all as we recovered and I got the kids into therapy.

I don't know how any of us would make it through this without Yul. He's been such a big help to us and he's been supporting us since day one. He has been there when Fiore has a panic and when Drew randomly starts crying. He's helped Fiore learn sign language and learn Korean so she can talk with him privately if sh ever wants to talk to him only in an unfamiliar area. He's even gotten her to start talking again.

Yul's POV:
I feel so bad for all of them. Fiore and Drew are only children. They didn't deserve to be traumatized. And my darling Grett didn't deserve to have to worry and be scared for her life and the kids lives.

They're all starting to recover though, and that's really all that matters. Fiore and Drew still refuse to sleep in their own rooms, which is reasonable. They cuddle us in our room and Fiore still follows me everywhere.

Fiore is like a duckling. She follows me everywhere and when she gets scared, she lets me know by quacking at me, which is absolutely adorable. She's always clinging to me or Grett.

I'm just happy we got a babysitter that Drew seems to trust. It's hard finding someone to take care of them. Yes, Drew is 16, but he doesn't trust himself to look after Fiore.

Fiore doesn't trust the babysitter, but she also just doesn't trust anyone outside of our little family. Anytime our babysitter comes over, Fiore stays away from her and clings to Drew or hides behind the couch.

Fiore's POV:
They don't know. They don't know that our babysitter is the person who killed our friends. She's a devil hiding behind the guise of being an angelic, sweet teenage babysitter. She knows I know though. She knows that nobody would believe me though if I tell them.

I know that if I tell Mama or Papa, they'll think I'm crazy or think I'm just relating her to my trauma for whatever reason. I know I'm not crazy. I never forget a face and I won't forget now.

She's coming to babysit again, so I'm going to confront her. I'm going to ask why the hell she killed them.

? POV:
Yes. I'm the killer. I killed them all. Will and Tom were meant to survive, same with Ashley. But they all interfered in my plan, so I had to kill them. Yes, I do have reasons for killing the people I did. Let me list them out.

(AN: All of these are just either headcanons or just for the AU)

Ellie turned her back on me and left me with our father even after I begged her to take me with her when she left.

Jake turned a blind eye as his boyfriend Troy, belittled and bullied me when I was just doing my job as a retail worker.

Dan did nothing as his sister Frannie bullied me just for being different.

Lill did nothing as the other girls in her troop bullied me and made me feel worthless and like I was a freak.

Gabby may have schizophrenia, but I will not give her a pass for hurting me for absolutely no reason.

Fiore's parents owned the company my parents worked at and instead of raising the wages and lowering the hours like they promised, they raised the hours and lowered the wages.

Drew's mother was my manager at the store I worked at and she allowed customers to bully workers and punished workers if we stood up for ourselves.

Miriam, I don't care about her. She was going to die anyway.

Grett was my coworker at one point and she acted like my mother. Kind and caring in front of others, but horrible and rude when nobody was around. I guess the trauma changed her though.

Alec worked at the library I used to go to. Before he worked there, it was my safe place. But after he started working there, I only came there when absolutely necessary because he made me feel stupid and as if I couldn't do anything right.

Nick came to the store once and he belittled and scolded me because we were out of something and he was the reason I quit my job.

I know people wouldn't care less about them. Why didn't I force Derek and Trevor to choose Fiore and Drew's parents? Because killing their kids would hurt them more than if I killed them. But I guess someone else had a grudge against them because they died too.

I only accepted the job of being Fiore and Drew's babysitter because I knew Fiore would never recover if her friends killer was always at her house. I'm honestly surprised that Drew hasn't recognized me yet.

Yul's POV:
I'm taking Grett out to dinner tonight to surprise her for our anniversary. Fiore and Drew are aware their babysitter is coming over and I can tell Fiore isn't happy about it. She keeps pacing around the house and clinging onto me and Grett.

I heard someone knock on the door an I went to answer it but Grett got their first. She greeted the kids babysitter with a bright smile.

"Hello Maggy!"

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