Remember what happened

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The teams had decided to stay together and the Teal Team moved their stuff to the Purple Team's campsite. Some of us had been assigned to get food and sticks for the fire while their stuff was moved to the campsite. Gabby and I were collecting sticks when we saw a figure. They were tall and in the shadows. Gabby and I shared a look before running. The figure ran after us and we ran faster. We were almost to the edge of the forest when I fell and twisted my leg. I heard Gabby screaming my name. I told her to run because I didn't want her to die too. The killer grabbed me and slammed me into the tree.
3rd person POV
The killer slammed their victim into a tree again and he screamed in pain, blood dripping from his skull. His eyes widened in terror as he started a the killer raised a knife to his face. His screams ended when the killer stabbed him in the throat and twisted the knife. They started to cut his face up. The looked at him and they remembered something that angered them. They threw his body into the nearest cave and left.

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