Last words

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Fiore's POV:
I found a notebook after Will died. I'm scared to open it, but I have to know. I have to know what's in it. I have to know if it's hers.
Oh my god. It's everyone's last words. I need to tell the other's. Wait, the only people not in here are Gabby, Miriam, Dan, and... Will. I wonder why. Why aren't they in this? Does the killer not even know? Wait a minute.
Dan's last words were to me and Drew, Miriam vanished, Gabby vanished, and Will just died. She must have only not written them in because she didn't hear them! Oh my god. Oh my god.
Mama and Drew need to know this. They need to know my discovery. I guess I should also tell them what happened to Will.

Grett's POV:
Where are Will and Fiore? Oh god. Did they get hurt? Did something happen? Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Now I'm overthinking. Will wouldn't let Fiore get hurt. Right?
Is she okay? Why am I stressing so much? Do I...actually care? I thought it was just pity, but maybe not. Maybe I actually do care.
Huh? Oh thank god. There she is. Wait. Where's Will? What is she carrying? Where did she get a notebook from? She looks scared and anxious... Oh no. Not again. Not another person
I have to comfort her.

Drew's POV:
It's useless. Mama and Will are trying to get Fiore to talk, but she's too scared and traumatized. What don't they get about that? I guess it's because she seemed so strong before all this. I don't get it though. Why is the killer going after us? Did we do something? Derek and Trevor disappeared before the first death and we haven't seen them since. Could one of them be-?
No. I'm being ridiculous. Why on earth would one of them gather us up just to kill us? That's crazy talk. But is it?
What are mama and Fiore talking about? Where's Will? Actually, where did Fiore come from?
She's holding a notebook. Where the hell did Fiore get a notebook from?
Wait, it has everyone's last words? Well, everyone except for Gabby, Miriam, Dan, and Will. What are they?

Narrator POV:
Here is everyone's last words - Dan since his last words are in his chapter. (The ones unknown to the killer will have an asterisk)
Lill: Wait, who are you?! Get away from me!
Jake: Run Gabby! Just run!
Ellie: I'm sorry everyone, especially you Fiore.
Tom: I'll stop your killing spree if I have to kill you myself.
Ashley: Will, Fiore, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't learn from their mistakes...
Nick: What the hell?!
Alec: You're-You're so young. Why are you-?
*Gabby: I'm not going to make it Miriam...
*Miriam: Will, can you ch-
*Will: I won't let you hurt another person!

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