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“Hey, hey, hey, buddy! Amigo! My friend! How are you this fine afternoon?”

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Hey, hey, hey, buddy! Amigo! My friend! How are you this fine afternoon?

You know I don't know what you're saying, right?

The girl just giggled, Yeah, I know. I was greeting you.

Ahh. He began picking up some logs nearby. “Was there something you needed, Yurika-san?

No. Yes. Maybe? I don't know. She picked up some of the logs he couldn't carry and followed behind him. “I'm leaving.

Tanjirou stopped in his tracks and looked at the girl with an unreadable expression on his face. “Leaving?

Yes. I'll be leaving today or tomorrow.

The burgundy-haired male stayed silent for a moment.

She was leaving...?

Why all of sudden...?

Now that the boy thought about it, nobody had made any formal agreement that she would continue to live with them. Yurika never asked, and they never told her she could stay. Everyone just... seemed to keep things the way they were...

Nothing really needed to be said...

It was a silent agreement that if the girl really wanted to, she would be able to stay with them for however long she needed. But maybe she didn't know that...?

Was that why she wanted to go?

Did she feel like she overstayed her welcome?

Yurika-san, you really don't need to worry, he told her. You're no trouble at all, and you've been really helpful to everyone here.

He stacked his legs on top of a preexisting pile as he thought about it some more.

But... If you're leaving because you have somewhere else to be, I hope that you'll still come back to visit us every now and then. He gave her a sad smile. “I'm sure all of us here would appreciate it.

Tanjirou would certainly miss having his new friend around after spending the past one year and a month together, but he also understands that she has every right to leave. She probably has a family of her own that is worried about her...

She shouldn't keep them waiting.

The girl simply blinked at his words. “Visit...?

...I'm leaving for a few days, Jirou. she stated, “Why visit?

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