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Tanjirou stretched and yawned as his body and mind did their best to wake up from the deep sleep they had just been in

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Tanjirou stretched and yawned as his body and mind did their best to wake up from the deep sleep they had just been in.

He woke up earlier than usual today, and for whatever reason, he felt like he was missing something... Something he couldn't quite put his finger on...

Rubbing his eyes, he crawls out of his futon and makes his way around the house to check on everyone else and make sure they're doing alright... Until he reaches Yurika's room.

The poor boy's jaw dropped.

That's what's missing! Yurika's scent is gone!

He took a step further into the room and realized that she had packed some things, too. He was about to leave the girl's room, but something caught his attention. Immediately, he walked towards it and read the small piece of paper.

I must embark on a journey to Mt. Sagiri to seek guidance. Trust that I will return soon. Take care.

– Yurika

Tanjirou furrowed his brow as he tightly held the paper. It was evident that he was deeply concerned about his friend.

When did she leave? Was it in the middle of the night...?

Or maybe...

Tanjirou ran down the hallway as quickly as he could. If the young woman had just left, then there was a chance he could still stop her from getting too far.

...I just hope she doesn't get lost...

Even if she said she would be alright on her own, the boy couldn't help but to worry. He didn't say anything before, but it really did concern him whenever he saw a young woman traveling on her own.

Not because they were weaker, per se, but because they were targeted more than anyone else...

If the boy was lucky, he would be able to catch up to Yurika and bring her back home before anyone even noticed.

Sure, she had her own reasons, but Tanjirou wouldn't want to get her into trouble with his mother or anyone else, for that matter.

Nezuko would be fuming, too...

He quickly threw his clothes on, confusing a half-awake Takeo in the process.

I'll be back! Please look after the house!

Running out of the front door, he paused for a moment to try and pick up the young woman's scent.

Knowing Yurika, she probably didn't leave by taking the usual path. She was much too stubborn for something like that, making Tanjiro's plan of reaching her quickly a lot more difficult than it should've been.

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