●Chapter 16● The Fight●

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Pure unadulterated fear is what Niyathi felt as she looked at the Asurs. The kind of fear which shook her to the core as she observed the asurs.

There were over five of them. All five looking ghastly and heavily built. It was near impossible for her to defeat them. Sure she had been trained by her sister but she wasn't prepared for this kind of situation where she had to face asurs. She can handle one or two asurs not five.

She calmed herself and forced herself to think rationally. She has three daggers hidden under her dress and a sword. Even if she manages to kill three with her dagger, two would still be alive and that can be a problem for her.

These five are not untrained humans who she can defeat easily. They are Asurs of Rasatala who would have been well trained and probably have some tricks under their sleeves.

They won't fight with morals, they will play dirty. She can't expect dharma from them.

Niyathi for the first time in her life felt helpless. She didn't know what to do. Today she shouldn't use her knowledge and strength alone.

She needs luck and destiny to fight against them.

She observed the Asurs who was looking at her carefully. The leader who had a parchment in his hand, looked at her face and the parchment and grinned. He nodded looking at his fellow asurs as if confirming her identity.

The leader of the group's voice echoed loudly in the empty forest, "Our master would be pleased to see you, my lady. He had been looking for you for years. Now that you are found, you can accept his proposal and become his queen. Come with us, so that we can go to our Kingdom."

Niyathi looked at the leader blankly. 'Master? Proposal? Queen? The hell! What rubbish is this asur talking?'

She replied diplomatically recalling all the etiquette lessons she had been forced to go by Draupadi, "Look you five, I don't have time for all these nonsense. I don't know who your master is. I certainly don't love him to accept his proposal even if he is madly searching for me for years. I don't have any interest to become his queen. For the proposal the answer will be a solid no."

The asurs looked frustrated and irritated by her reply. They didn't think the girl would reject the proposal. No matter their master had warned them this might happen. They know what to do.

Another asur said, "Don't test our patience Shivputri. Our master wants you come to his kingdom unharmed but you are hellbent on getting hurt by us."

Niyathi looked confused by the name used by the Asur. She didn't have time to time to think about it as the leader said, "Either you coming willingly or we will be forced to kidnap you. Choose wisely Shivputri because the chances that you can escape from our clutches are almost nil."

Again the same endeavor. But she didn't have time to think about that. She can ponder upon that somewhere time.

She knew the Asur was right. She had no chances of escape. Either she had to fight her way out or forfeit her freedom. So she chose the former.

She reached out to her dagger hidden under clothes discretely. She looked at the leader straight in the eye and said, "You have all signed your death sentence."

In the blink of an eye a dagger was embedded in one of the asurs throat who bleeded profusely and dropped dead.

The Asurs looked shocked while Niyathi smirked looking at the the rest.

One down. Four more to go.

The daughter of Agni gave them a vicious smile and attacked them without any warning.

But what the asurs and the daughter of Agni didn't notice was someone was observing their every move carefully in the shadows.

Fully intending to interfere if things go south.
So that's it!

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Why do the asurs keep calling Niyathi as Shivputri?

Who is the mystery person observing the fight?

Is he/she anither asur sent to capture Niyathi?

And who wants to capture Niyathi and why?

Stay tuned for that!

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For that stay tuned!

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