016. Twenty Four

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Age is a number,
but at the same time—my age
is pressuring me.


I AM ONLY in my early twenties, but why do I feel like I am already falling behind other people?

Life sometimes is hard to understand, especially when I see people my age already living their dream life. People always told me to slow down because life is not a race, which is true. I followed their advice and started to take one step at a time. It amazed me to finally learn how to appreciate small wins in life, and aside from that, I have been thankful to God for giving me another day to fulfill my plans in this lifetime.

However, when people see me chilling, and it seems like life is unprogressive for them, they start questioning my pursuits in life.

❝What are your plans?❞

❝Do you even have plans in life?❞

Like, who are these people to make me feel like sh*t all the time? I am exhausted listening to what people have to say and following in their footsteps. Breaking news, people. I am the only captain and the anchor of my ship, so stop telling me what to do in life. Everyone has their own pathway and timeline, and I decided to follow mine however and whenever.

I may be falling behind others, but I am happy and contented, unlike others who struggle every day just to keep up.

I may be falling behind others, but I am happy and contented, unlike others who struggle every day just to keep up

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