Love Never Comes Without Struggle

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Arizona's POV:

"Owww! Arizona! That kinda hurts!"

I was dragging Becca, our late party guest, down the steps to the Home Theater room as fast as I could after closing the door to the first floor. I was beyond furious and dismayed how she had just handled herself when she arrived to our house, only minutes before.

"Good! Because you know what, Becca? I don't think you get how upset I am with your behavior right now! I have an entire floor of my house, currently filled with family, work colleagues and friends. Yet, somehow, you couldn't seem to care less about that fact as you made your anger known to the entire party."

"Arizona, I'm sorry, I know I overreacted, but did you see Captain America with his arm around Teddy just now?' I mean, what in the FUCK is she doing with..." And that's when I absolutely lost my cool that afternoon with Becca. 

Now, I'd like to think I'm normally someone that is gracious, patient and understanding with my friends and family. However, after all the things I had witnessed the last five months, coupled with Becca's beyond inappropriate outburst during our party, well, my chain of silence had been summarily snapped.

I was violently waving my arms after defiantly pointing to a seat I expected Becca to sit down on as I said, "Oh NO are you doing the talking right now, got it?! This is my house and I'll be the one doing the talking. If you are lucky, I may allow you to speak after your beyond, inappropriate display!"

Becca had just sunk down into the couch cushions, half dismayed and a little bit intimidated by my demeanor when she nodded in compliance. I could tell she was stunned by my assertiveness as she timidly cowered. Admittedly, it was the first time she had seen this side of my personality and it was clear it had completely taken her off-guard. 

Callie would tell me later on that night that before she witnessed me grab Becca by her arm, she saw the look in my eyes and knew my level of anger. She even said to Meredith as we disappeared down the basement steps, that despite what Becca had just done, she was afraid of the wrath she saw in my eyes, but was glad it wasn't her getting in trouble.

Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing after our decade-plus together that a look from me, can still put fear in my wife's heart? 

For what it's worth, Callie has similar looks she can and has given me that puts fear into my heart. I guess it's a bit of a double-edged sword when you know and love someone so well that a flash of their facial expressions, can make you that emotionally swayed... good or bad.

I grabbed two bottled waters from the half fridge behind the home theater room bar and set them forcefully down on the countertop. As I still had a grip on the bottles, I felt myself take in a large breath of air before then deeply exhaling. 

I wasn't looking at Becca at this point, but was vaguely staring at the entrance to the downstairs bathroom that was 90 degrees away from her viewpoint as I tried to collect my thoughts. There was a palpable level of silence in the room that was a product of it's noise cancellation abilities and the emotions each of us were feeling and suppressing.

I made use of that 'quiet' for a few more moments before taking in a shorter breath I quickly let go of. I knew at that point I had two ways to handle the situation and decided to go with a calmer approach. Not only was it for my own mental health I decided to take this tact, but for Becca's as well. 

Believe me though when I tell you that in my earlier years I would have come at her with fire and brimstone in my words and actions. I guess as I have aged I've learned the value of slowing things down and honestly reasoning with people I'm upset with. Let's face it, screaming and getting angry will never get your point through to an unreceptive listener. Or maybe it's not old age that's taught me that... maybe it's having kids... either way.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now