Eddie 'The Obstacle' Munson - alittleoff on ao3

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Steve doesn't even think about it when he does it. The only thought in his head is that the cassette he wants to play next is on the end table on other side of the couch. His only thought is of grabbing it, then getting off the couch to change the tapes out.

He doesn't even think about the obstacle in his way in the shape of one Eddie Munson. Eddie is splayed out sideways on his end of the couch, almost more horizontal than vertical as he lounges on almost all the throw pillows that Steve's mom insists make the furniture look better but Steve finds scratchy on his skin. Eddie's hands are folded behind his head, eyes closed as he mutters along to the final song on the cassette currently playing (Judas Priest if Steve recalls). Eddie's got one socked foot planted on the couch, leg bent in the air but resting against the back of the couch. His other leg is hanging off the couch, foot tapping a rhythm on the floor because some part of Eddie has to be constantly moving.

All this to say that Steve wasn't unaware of the fact that Eddie The Obstacle Munson was there, but more that his mind hadn't bothered to think of the ramifications of his actions.

Action, being, Steve pulling himself to his knees on his side of the couch and knee walking across it into the V of Eddie's legs, until his legs bump up against the inside of Eddie's thighs. The tapping of Eddie's foot stops then, but does Steve? No. Instead, he leans forward, reaching one hand for the cassette (set closer to the far side of the end table than Steve remembers it being), his other hand settling next to Eddie's head, careful to brush Eddie's hair out of the way subconsciously so he doesn't pull at it unintentionally. He leans himself more forward, to grab the cassette, and it's then that the results of everything he's done becomes known to him because Eddie lets out a soft noise, not quite a gasp and not quite a whimper.

Steve registers it all then. How he's caged Eddie in, practically draped himself across him, and in his need to reach further, has pressed himself onto Eddie.

He whips his head down as soon as it's all settled in his mind, what he's done, and makes eye contact with Eddie. Eddie is completely still beneath him, eyes wide and lips parted in shock. His face is a beautiful shade of pink and Steve wants to kiss him.

They're both frozen now. Steve's never seen Eddie like this. Silent. Still. He wants to say something, or do something, to alleviate that. He should be doing something. He should be flinging himself off the couch, off of Eddie, and apologizing. But he doesn't want to. He's so hyper aware of every point of contact between them now. Feel's the warmth of Eddie's body.

He watches Eddie let out a shuttering breath, but Eddie doesn't try to move him. Eddie doesn't do anything. Steve... Steve kind of expected to be bucked off by now. If Steve wasn't removing himself, he thinks Eddie should be doing it by now, right? It wouldn't take much effort for Eddie to twist his hips slightly, to dig the knee that nears Steve's hip into his hip, shove him off the couch and onto the floor.

But he doesn't.

"Eddie," Steve says, and no words follow. He doesn't even know why he said anything when he had nothing to say.

Eddie doesn't respond. He just stares up at Steve and then his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Steve tracks the movement. Fuck, does he want to kiss Eddie so bad.

Steve moves the hand not supporting his weight, retracts it back until his hand makes contact with Eddie's wrist. Feather light, he drags his fingers down Eddie's arm to his elbow, eyes never leaving his face. He watches as Eddie's eyes half close and as he sucks in a sharp breath. He feels it when Eddie shifts his hips, though he doesn't know if it was intentional or not.

He lifts his hand from Eddie's elbow and moves it to Eddie's face, cupping his cheek before sliding that hand behind his head, wiggling between his head and the stupid, scratchy pillows, brushing against Eddie's own hands, still intertwined behind his head.

"Eddie. Can I-"

"Yes," Eddie breaths out before Steve's even done speaking, cutting him off.

Steve leans in slowly, so slowly, and rubs his nose alone the side of Eddie's, then moves to repeat the motion on the other side of Eddie's nose. His lips brush against Eddie's from the close proximity but not with the intent to kiss him, not yet. Steve's not sure what he's waiting for. Eddie's already given permission but-

"Please, Steve," Eddie whispers and Steve feels his lips move with the words.

Hearing his name from Eddie seems to be what he was waiting for. Steve lays himself fully atop Eddie, then, and brings their lips together finally. He feels, more than hears, the inhale and whimper Eddie makes before he starts to kiss back. Eddie shifts again and Steve feels a hand rest on his lower back, just above his ass, and the other slides through his hair.

Steve groans in response and grinds his hips down, earning him a groan in return and Eddie's hips stuttering up to meet his, the hand on his lower back pressing him down.

Steve's never been more happy about not thinking something through before doing it in his life.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 15 ⏰

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