The Unexpected - capstiel

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Sometimes Sam hated being the third wheel.

He was happy for his brother and Cas and all, but ever since they confessed their undying love for each other, Sam felt like he was just kind of there.
And now they were living in the bunker, and Cas was a human, and so were all the other angels. Kevin was still there too of course, but he was rarely seen, always hiding out in his room. And then there was Crowley, who was chained up in the dungeon.

One thing Sam could have never predicted though, was that the cure to his third wheel problem would come in the form of an archangel.


So Kevin figured out that not only were the angels in Heaven banished to Earth, but so were the ones in Hell. "Great" Dean said "now we have to deal with the Devil again."

"And Michael." Kevin pointed out.

They decided not to do anything about it for the moment though, because they wouldn't have any powers so they'd be pretty harmless.
So they went back to figuring out how they were going handle all of the now-human angels that were spread across the whole friggin world.

In fact, Sam had almost forgotten the fact that Lucifer and Michael were roaming the Earth, until one of them showed up on the bunker's doorstep.

It was almost ten o'clock when it happened, Sam and Dean and Cas were all just lounging around the tv, as no one was motivated to do anymore work that late at night. Then there was a knock at the door and everyone looked at each other simultaneously. Dean was the first to jump up off the couch, and he bolted down the hallway to go find weapons. Sam and Cas stood up too, and made a sort of wordless agreement to slowly approach the front door. Whoever was there knocked again, louder. Dean came up behind Sam and Cas with a knife and a jug of holy water. They all exchanged frightened glances before Sam turned the assortment of bolts on the door and slowly pulled it open.

Lucifer was covered in dirt and there were bags under his eyes. His posture was horrible, he looked like he was about to collapse.

"No way" Dean said "no, this is not happening."

Nonetheless, they let Satan inside. He remained speechless until he was sitting down at one of the large 'everything' tables, and Cas very calmly asked how he found them.

He sucked in a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak, and then letting out a horrible sounding squeak. His face flushed and he looked down at the table.

Cas looked to Dean for some sort of explanation, and the hunter sighed. "He lost his voice."

Sam, who was standing farther away from Lucifer than any of the others commented dryly "probably hasn't drank anything since he fell."

Dean looked back at Lucifer "you haven't, have you?" He shook his head in response.

"Angels are not required to eat or drink" Cas reminded them "he probably didn't realize it was necessary."

"Probably dehydrated too" Dean said "sure looks like it."

"I can get some water" Sam offered, although it was obvious that he'd rather be anywhere other than in the same room as the Devil.

Dean looked at him worriedly "are you sure? You can go do something else, me and Cas can handle this."

"Nah it's all good" he assured and headed in the direction of the kitchen.

"Should we go let Kevin know there's a fallen archangel in our home?" Dean asked Cas.

"Probably" Cas said.

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