Best Friend - m_enscombe

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I need to get cereal.

Cas clicks 'send,' seeing the time stamp plant 2:18 a.m. right next to his message. He watches it, watches and watches it until the time stamp changes to 'read.' It doesn't take too long.



You dumbass.

Cas grins.

U coming or not? He sends.

The answer comes in two minutes. Come down in ten.

Cas hears the Impala before he sees it; he turns around to greet the sleek creature.

"Hello, Dean." And his favorite creature in the driveseat.

Dean rolls down the window and deadpans at him. Cas ignores him and gets in shotgun.

"What the fuck is it with you and grocery shopping in the middle of the goddamn night?" Dean says, driving out of Cas' apartment complex. "Can't you wait like, eight hours? Like a normal fucking person?"

Cas shrugs. "My body wants what it wants when it wants."

Cas doesn't have to see Dean to know that he's rolling his eyes.

The smell of night is pungent in the air. Cas rests his cheek on the smooth leather of the Impala, closes his eyes, and basks in the smell.

The feel of cool leather on his cheek; the sound of Zeppelin bursting out of the Baby's stereo; the smell of Dean's cheap aftershave; the serenity of the nighttime air; Cas is feeling full-on nostalgic tonight.

"Whatcha gonna do when I'm too old for this shit?" Dean says. "Old people need their sleep, asshole."

"I'm gonna get old too, so it won't be a problem," Cas mumbles with his eyes still closed.

Dean snorts. "As if you're gonna get old and boring."

Cas thinks, I will, but only if you grow old with me.

They arrive at a gas n' sip because that's the only store that's open and carries something other than liquor and nicotine.

Cas hates class days. But sometimes he has to show up, because for all the façade Cas puts up about not caring about his grades and stuff, he does not want to get expelled.

Balthazar's already there, waiting for Cas. He gives Bal the best fake grin he can with his face.

"You gotta use your eyes, Cassie," Bal says. "If you don't, you look like you just escaped a mental institution."

"Who says I didn't?" Cas says impassively.

"That is a good point, indeed."

It's already a feat for Cas to be in time for the class, so Bal does not push anything further. He knows better than that. There's about five minutes till the class starts, so Cas thinks he'll get a super short nap or something when he sees him coming in the front door.


And Suzy, on his arm. She's laughing, hanging off Dean's arm like she's won the world.

Cas wants to murder her.

"Ooh, Cassie, if looks can kill."

Cas grits out. "I don't know what he sees in her."

Bal snorts. "She's pretty. And athletic."

"Yeah, so?" Cas snaps. "Doesn't matter if she's narcissistic."

"Honey, sweetie," Bal says in his condescending drawl—Cas will murder Balthazar before Suzy, he's decided— "Complaining to her boyfriend that she wants to spend more time with him isn't narcissistic."

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