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Geralt considers himself to be a strict professor, one that does not mingle with his students, but still fair and willing to cut anyone some slack. Life is a mess of continuous bad days, mixed with some fuck-ups, and depending on the person and their mental health issues, or disabilities, which makes it even harder to tread through all the bullshit - he knows better. Especially when you're young and still trying to figure yourself out. So he's strict but kind, and so far the students seem to respect his approach, so he's not changing it anytime soon.

And yes, he doesn't mingle with the students, but if he realizes something isn't going well, he might pull them aside for a talk. Maybe give some advice, or at least a listening ear. It's the least he can do. Not that any of his students misbehave, just if someone looks overly tired, or hasn't been showing up as often - the small things, he notices them.

So he doubly notices Jaskier. With his bruised fists, as if he hasn't slept in weeks. With his bandaged wrists, and long sweaters even in the hot weather, chain smoking whenever he can. He notices him, as is a little lost to what to do, because he sees himself in him. Destructive behavior, destroying his own body as his mind declines further and further. It's hard to watch, and Geralt isn't sure what to do.
He knows that he should pull him aside as he's done for many others before, but this feels different. Nothing so easily solved perhaps. Or maybe he's just scared of what might happen. Jaskier is his student. That's all. But he catches his eye in ways he probably shouldn't.

It's fine.

Except Jaskier is very obviously not fine.
Geralt realizes how not fine he is, when he hears him taunt another student, who is far larger than Jaskier is. He hears the words wanker, and tosser, and something akin to your mum should've aborted you, you daft cunt.

And before he can run to stop it, the bigger student swings at Jaskier to punch him, surprisingly he actually dodges it and manages to knee him in the stomach. Doesn't do much, which ends up with Jaskier not being able to dodge the second punch, and ending up on the ground with a split lip. Geralt stops the other student from hitting Jaskier again, glares at him without even needing to speak, and it's enough for him to leave with no fuss.

Looking down at Jaskier, Geralt sighs, and offers him his hand. Jaskier's eyes are bright, thoughtful, as he looks at Geralt's face (a little appreciative smile showing on his face), and then at his hand. After a while, he finally takes it and is pulled up easily by Geralt - ending up bumping into him because he pulled far too hard. Jaskier didn't seem to be complaining though, not really pushing Geralt away, just staying there. It's distracting.
Geralt clears his throat and is the one to, very gently, push Jaskier away.
Jaskier just smiles harder at that, gives Geralt a lingering once over, and moves to leave without saying anything.
"No thank you?" Geralt ends up asking, grumpily.
"I didn't really ask to be saved, besides I had it handled. That big lug was just that, a big lug, not much brain there. Wasn't worried." Jaskier tries to move away again, leave, but Geralt grabs his arm, "Do you need something, my knight in...sweater vest.?"

"Your lip."

"I didn't think teachers could flirt with students. I'm totally ok with it, don't worry." Jaskier whispers seductively and winks at him.

Geralt gets very much distracted by the implication, and can't bring himself to say anything, or do anything, besides staring at Jaskier's face. His beautiful blue eyes. His bloody lips. His- he manages to dislodge those particular thoughts from his head, and frowns instead.
He is a strict professor.

"You have a split lip. We should take care of it."
"Yes, I knew what you meant."
Jaskier's going to be an absolute handful, he thinks to himself as he pulls him to the infirmary.

No one's around.


Well, at least he can talk to him in a closed space, while treating the wound.
"It's a busted lip, you can just let it be." Jaskier complained, his leg jumping up and down antsy. Geralt ignored him and pressed some gauze to the wound, so it'd stop the blood flow.

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