Kiss out of necessity (au where everyone is gay) - terrainofheartfelt tumblr

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Dan's just managed to escape a tedious conversation for the bar when Nate barrels into in him a panic. Or least, as panicked as Nate ever appears. A lifetime of blue blood family politics, a childhood with Serena and Blair, and a blazed adolescence has rendered Nate pretty unflappable.

"Hey," Nate says furtively. "Have you seen Serena?"

"Not for a while," Dan glances around the room of the reception Serena had conned him into attending. "But Vanessa got out of rehearsal early, so she probably bailed."

"Damn it," Nate mutters, signaling the bartender to pour another of whatever's in Dan's hand.

"What's going on?" Dan watches confused as Nate knocks back the Manhattan the bartender hands him in one go.

"Ethan is here," Nate says, as if the fate of the universe depends on this information.

Except Dan has no clue who that is.

"Ethan," Nate repeats, "my ex."

Dan tilts his head to the side, still at a loss. He doesn't really keep track of Nate's friends at Columbia, even less who Nate dates at Columbia. Self-preservation and all that.

"Seriously? I told you about him. Steak Knives?"

"Oh," it clicks, "yeah. You dated for a month and then he wanted to move in together –"

Nate nods wearily. "And when I said 'no,' he -"
Dan does a half-hearted performance of the Psycho theme, moving his hand in a stabbing motion.

"Yeah," Nate sighs. "Serena's always good at chasing off an ex. Or Blair, but neither of them are here."

"Aw," Dan grins, "he's your Georgina."

Nate thumps him on the arm. "Asshole. But - yeah." He glances around the room, then freezes, "Shit, he's seen me. Do you think Carl over there would let me hide behind the bar?"

Dan tries to spot Ethan, a useless exercise because Dan doesn't actually know what the guy looks like, but then he gets an idea. An arguably bad one, but he doesn't have anything else.

"Do you trust me?" he asks Nate abruptly, hoping Nate understands what he means.

Nate meets his eyes for one frenetic second, before dropping his gaze to Dan's lips. "Yeah."

Before Dan can chicken or reason himself out of it, he takes Nate's face in his hands and kisses him. Nate stiffens for a second, taken by surprise, but then he starts to kiss Dan back, parting his lips. Nate's arms circle his waist, palms pressing into his back, and Dan stumbles into him, deepening the kiss, and for minute he forgets what they were doing, or why they're doing it. He sweeps his tongue over Nate's lower lip, noise slipping from his throat, or was that sound from Nate

Nate pulls away abruptly, face redder than it was before, his chest heaving. Over the years, Dan's built up a sort of immunity to the Archibald hotness, except for now, when it hits him all over again how beautiful Nate is.

Oh, he is in so much trouble.

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