Warm Drink, Kind Hand

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Eddie doesn't know why the fuck he's here. He's not some sort of white knight, far from a savior, and advises against hero complexes. But Robin had called and said that Steve got too drunk, couldn't drive himself home and definitely couldn't stay at her place since her mom would be back early tomorrow morning... so Eddie had just said I'll be there. Like it was nothing. Like it made all the sense in the world for Robin to call him and not someone else. As if he and Steve were close friends and not the mere acquaintances they considered each other to be.

Yet Eddie's curiosity was too strong, and his possessiveness was following closely behind. He wanted to be the one there for Steve. Imagining someone else coming to his aid - like Nancy and/or Jonathan - made Eddie grit his teeth and dig his nails into his palm. Okay, maybe his possessiveness is what won out over his curiosity. But he still wants to know what Steve's like drunk, and he wants to know why Steve got drunk (if there was a reason), and he wants to know what silly things Steve rants about when he's tipsy-

Eddie would have driven under any other circumstances, but Robin made it very clear that Steve's car couldn't be left at her place otherwise her mom would start asking questions. So Eddie had to walk and try not to fret too much about having to drive Steve's nice BMW. His car was worth more money than Eddie has seen in his lifetime... probably. He would feel much more comfortable behind the wheel of his beaten up van handed down to him by his uncle, but he had to work with what he could.

Eddie finally made it to Robin's a little before eleven, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he ignored the sidewalk leading up to her house and walked right through the grass. Her mom wasn't home yet anyway. No one would know if he took a shortcut. And there was no Mrs. Buckley home to yell at him. So Eddie walked up to the front door, taking in a deep breath to appear confident, and knocked.

The door opened seconds later, whooshing from the speed at which Robin pulls it. Her eyes are relatively glossy and, judging by the way she was slurring her words on the phone, she's pretty drunk too. She's better at hiding it though. Steve doesn't have the same talent. Not by a long shot. He's hanging off of Robin's right side, arm thrown over her shoulders and his eyes scrunched up from the pretty smile he's adorning.

"Eddie!" Steve boasts happily. His eyes widen in surprise, turning down to look at Robin. "Did you know he was coming?"

"Yes, Steve," Robin says irritably but keeps an arm around Steve's waist to keep him standing. Despite her annoyance, she still cares about his well being. Which is why Eddie's still confused as to why she called him. "He's going to take you home so my mom doesn't walk in on you passed out on the couch in the morning."

Steve scoffs as if he finds the idea offensive, then contemplates the thought. "Yeah," he agrees, "that would be pretty bad."

Robin nods in agreement before taking a step towards the door. "Hi," she grins at Eddie, relief in her eyes. She begins to unglue Steve from her side, keeping her grip on him firm before she releases him towards Eddie's general direction. Steve stumbles into him before curling his arms around Eddie's neck, pressing his chest to Eddie's. He stumbles back just a step before planting his heel in the cement to prevent him and Steve crashing down. The action is so sudden and unexpected that all Eddie can do is blink down at him, speechless.

"It's my fault," Robin explains as Steve and Eddie continue to stare at each other. Eddie's face remains impassive but Steve is beginning to smile at him in a way that makes Eddie's stomach twist in knots. "Steve's a bit of a lightweight and I knew this but I made him keep up with me. I know now that that was the wrong choice."

"Yeah," Eddie says dryly, eyes flicking over Steve's head at Robin. He looks at her scoldingly, mostly because he's annoyed he has to deal with a drunk Steve Harrington. Or at least that's what he lets her see. Sure, it's a little annoying to deal with anyone drunk... but Eddie's grossly invested in seeing where this night is going to end up. "He's absolutely shit-faced, Buckley."

Robin runs a hand through her hair, looking more apologetic as the seconds pass. "I know!" She whines. "But it's not like I was forcing the alcohol down his throat. And this would be no problem if my mom hadn't called me thirty minutes ago telling me her flight is coming in early tomorrow. Otherwise I'd help him through the morning hangover-"

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