Drunk Natures - CookieMonster1098765 - Wattpad

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Soulmate au: your born with the first words your soulmate will say to you, HOWEVER, if they die the words on your wrist swirl and you must wait for fait to decide your new partner, you only get a vague idea of how your partner died but it is not certain.
"God damn" Elisha sighed as he placed the heels of his palms on the kitchen sink, pushing the rest of his body out behind himself, "been slaving here all day and I get nothing from it"

"You get the satisfaction of your house being clean" Missy said coming around the corner with a rag in her hands.

"Oh yeah, because that'll last me what? A day? With you around? Maybe twelve hours?" Elisha said with a grin as he turned around to look at Missy and put his lower back to the sink and flicked the wet tea towel at the girl in front of him, small droplets of water hit Missy's skin but she didn't seem bothered besides the small chuckle.

"Shut up okay, I can't help that I'm a naturally unorganised person, it's just a part of me, and you have to deal with it" Missy said as she came closer to Elisha with a smirk.

'I've dealt with it since I was four, darling,
I'm sure I'm used to it by now" Elisha said before turning back around and continuing to dry the dishes making Missy chuckle.
"Yeah well, it's no better then you when we were in uni to-" Missy started before being cut off by Elisha.

"GODDAMN IT' the boy yelled as he looked down at his wrist, "THAT'S THE THIRTY SEVENTH TIME" he yelled in expiration, Missy sighed softly before walking to the other side of the room and grabbing a whiteboard marker and marking dash on the whiteboard labelled 'How many times Elisha's soulmate is unlucky'.

"What do you think it was this time?" Missy
asked as she walked back into the room and stood next to Elisha with her arms crossed, Elisha held his wrist tenderly with the other hand while looking at the swirling black ink on his wrist.

"Dunno, I keep thinking car crash though, so" the boy said with a shrug before sighing, "it may take a while until I get a new sentence so I'll just leave it" Elisha said sadly, the boy went back to drying the dishes, Missy came up and gave Elisha a side hug before crossing her arms and leaning against the sink.

"Ben and Jerrys?" Missy asked with a cocked eyebrow and small smirk.

"God yes please" Elisha sighed gratefully, "let me finish this and then we can sit on the couch" Elisha said, Missy nodded as she grabbed two tubs of the ice cream delight and two spoons before walking off to the lounge room, the sound of the TV turning on echoed through into the kitchen just as Elisha put the last plate away, the boy put the tea towel onto the kitchen counter and ran out of the kitchen. Elisha walked to Missy, grabbed the outstretched tub of delight and ripped it open, making Missy chuckle as she turned through the TV's channels.


"Okay, if a tooth has a cavity, what is it that you should do?" Brian asked, the guitarist sat in front of Roger at the small dining table.
"Fill it, but if it's beyond repair I gotta pull it out" Roger answered.

"Correct! See, you're gonna ace the test tomorrow" Brian said as he closed the dental book in front of him with a large grin making Roger shrug as the pair leant back in their chairs and cross their arms; at the same time.
Brian chuckled softly at the motions while
Roger shook his head with a smile.

"I swear, one day we're gonna bump into each other in the kitchen and we'll fuse together or something" Roger said, Brian shook his head as he picked up his drink and the book and walked to the kitchen before reappearing with only the book.

"I highly doubt that that would happen Rog"
Brian grinned back as he leant against the dining table in front of Rog and crossed his arms again, crossing his legs over too.

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