the sound of your voice (helps me find peace) - izazov - Chapter Three

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Obi-Wan pushed himself into a sitting position, alert and ready to spring to action despite having been woken quite abruptly.

He reached with the Force, ready to call his lightsaber to his hand, when-

"Master!" Anakin exclaimed, loud and exuberant, taking one stumbling step forward, swaying dangerously on his feet.

Obi-Wan released a deep breath, his body relaxing in increments, as another kind of tension began forming inside Obi-Wan's skull.

With a flick of his wrist, Obi-Wan turned on the lights, bathing the room in a soft, yellow glow.

And promptly wished he could get back to sleep.

Anakin looked... a mess. His tabards were absent, and so was his belt, his tunic was loosened at the neck and hanging askew. He was also flushed, his pupils dilated, and he looked one small step away from falling flat on his face.

Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes briefly.

"You are drunk," Obi-Wan stated flatly. At least he hoped that was all. He was in no state of mind to deal with an Anakin under the combined influence of alcohol and death sticks.

"You're here," Anakin said with a wide, dopey grin, looking relieved. As if he'd spent the better part of the night searching for Obi-Wan instead of getting himself drunk somewhere in the lower levels. He took another uncertain step forward, his eyes resting unblinkingly on Obi-Wan. "I wanted to see you."

Obi-Wan felt Anakin's regard almost like a physical touch, ghosting along his face, but not stopping there. It trailed along the curve of his shoulders, then down the length of his chest, pausing at his waist, only to climb back up, slower this time.

Instinctively, Obi-Wan glanced down at the cover pooling in his lap, but stopped himself before he could follow through on a rather ridiculous impulse and cover himself up.

Obi-Wan snapped his gaze up, annoyed. Although, he could not tell whether he was more annoyed with Anakin or himself.

"Yes, it is a strange coincidence I am in my bed in the middle of the night. Sleeping. Well," Obi-Wan added wryly. "Trying to, at least."

Anakin merely smiled wider - warm, soft, and not a little dazed -  either not caring or not noticing Obi-Wan's mood. Knowing Anakin, it was probably the combination of the two.

"I couldn't sleep either," Anakin said, swaying slightly.

Obi-Wan gave Anakin a flat look, gesturing in his general direction. "I see you have found an alternative solution to that problem."

Anakin's brow creased, the haze clearing somewhat from his eyes. "I asked you to come with me. I wanted you to come."


"I'm not your Padawan anymore," Anakin cut in sharply.

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