the sound of your voice (helps me find peace) - izazov - Chapter Two

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Obi-Wan did not look up from the datapad in his hand when he heard the door to Anakin's room whoosh open, followed by the dull sound Anakin's feet made against the carpeted floor.

"Tell me a story," Anakin said after a beat, just shy of an outright demand.

Obi-Wan took a steadying breath, throwing one last mournful look at his datapad - he's been looking forward to a quiet evening of reading after another exhausting day of negotiations - before placing it down on the table, next to his empty tea cup.

Considering the waves of agitation coming off of Anakin, the chances of spending a quiet evening have plummeted considerably.

Obi-Wan raised his head, regarding Anakin silently. He was currently leaning against an antique armchair, his fingers worrying at its fabric, his expression drawn into a scowl. Unfortunately, it seemed to be his default expression as of late.

At fifteen, Anakin was a gangly teenager, with coltish limbs and little grace. To Obi-Wan's increasing frustration, he seemed to be growing like a weed; a few more years and he would undoubtedly be taller than Obi-Wan. Judging by Anakin's remarks as of late, he was also aware of that fact.

"This has been a rather long and tiresome day," Obi-Wan said, fixing Anakin with a flat look. "Considering the current progress of the negotiations between our host and the Earl Linndoc, I fear that tomorrow won't be any different."

Anakin snorted. "That's because the Earl isn't really interested in coming to an agreement with Wengay."

Obi-Wan arched an eyebrow. "Is that so? And how did you come to that conclusion? Considering how little time you have spent actually paying attention to the negotiations."

Anakin straightened, looking utterly unapologetic.  "I was paying attention in the beginning. Then it became obvious that Linndoc is only buying time."

"Buying time for what?"

"I don't know," Anakin said, shrugging. "But he shot down every suggestion you and Wengay had made. Even the ones I know were reasonable. And the ones he'd made were nothing but bantha poodoo."

Obi-Wan leaned against the backrest, stroking his beard. Language aside, Anakin was correct.

Ever since the beginning of the negotiations over a sizable patch of land on the far north of Ione, Linndoc has done nothing to show willingness to compromise. Something that made little sense considering that Wengay's claim to the land in question was legitimate. In fact, the only reason a Jedi - and Obi-Wan was beginning to strongly dislike his growing reputation of a skilled negotiator, which was the reason he had been tasked with this particular assignment - was needed to mediate, was the close familial relationship between Linndoc and the Earl Supreme.

"I believe you are right, Padawan. Linndoc is hiding something," Obi-Wan said, a strong sense of unease rising up inside him. Anakin's face split into a huge grin at the praise, his joy lighting up the Force around him. "Though, I cannot say I am fond of the implications."

Anakin's grin sharpened. "Whatever it is, we can take him, Master."

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