anyways, are you in the mood?

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Eddies room is cluttered with snack wrappers and discarded t shirts. Steve steps over at least two different Black Sabbath shirts, and just manages to avoid the wrappers of multiple different chocolate bars. His bed isnt much better. Its littered with forgotten rings and bracelets and, if his eyes dont deceive him, an assortment of papers obviously ripped from a notebook, all with what Steve could only assume were song lyrics written on them. Steve hadn't known Eddie too long, the events of Vecna only a few months old as summer was just starting to roll around, but one thing about him it didnt take Steve long to learn was that Eddie was writing songs pretty much any chance he could get. It was intriguing, admittedly, and Steve often wanted to ask if he could read some. He didn't, though. And he wasnt really thinking about it now as he shoved them out of the way so he could take up an annoying amount of space on Eddie's bed.
The boy in question was busy hauling several bags of chips and a whole jug of hawaiian punch into the room, as he had previously insisted on munchies for the occasion.
The occasion being Eddie and Steve smoking together for the first time. Big news, apparently, although Steve hadn't known this had been a goal of Eddies. Not that it was a hard one to achieve. All it had taken was a lazy, "C'mon Harrington. Lemme smoke you out." and Steve was nodding like an idiot and couldn't really remember what he'd said, but whatever it was had landed him in Eddies bed that upcoming saturday night.
"Okay, I've got plain, salt and vinegar, nacho cheese, sour cream and onion uh.... fuck, i swear i had barbeque somewhere. Do you like barbeque? I can look for it. I'll look for it. Oh, and I've got hawaiian punch, the blue one. I don't know it just looked the coolest. Shit's gotta have, like, radioactive goo in it or something, though." Eddie rambled. "Anyway, lemme go look for the barbeque chips, i could've sworn i had them." he messily threw the snacks in his arms onto the bed by Steves feet, and then spun on his heel to go search for his missing chips.
It took Steve a second to process everything that had just happened. "Wait, dude, its fine you dont have to bother. I dont even like barbeque that much, i dont think." Really he just wanted Eddie to come here so they could smoke, he was more excited than he realized. He smoked often enough, he and Robin needed something to take the edge off of the hours upon hours of doing absolutely nothing at Family Video. But Tommy H had been away at some college viewing thing for awhile, so they hadn't had their usual supply. Steve hadn't even considered Eddie until the other boy brought it up himself.
"Are you sure? Because if you like them I'll go look, they're probably just in the car or something." But Eddie was already making his way over to the bed and taking a seat on the edge next to Steve, who sat up a little straighter and tried to make at least a little room for him.
"Yeah yeah, Munson, I'm sure. You're too good a host. Now lets get rollin'!" Steve slapped Eddie in the arm a few times playfully.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "Eager, are we Harrington?" but he smiled at him fondly. "You should be. I've got the best stuff in town!" Eddie dramatically pulled a rolled up paper bag from the drawer of his night stand. "Will you grab my tray? It's on the floor next to my Bowie album- no, the other- yeah, that one." Steve could feel him watching as he lifted it up from the floor and settled it between the two. Eddie grabbed it and placed it in his lap, moving closer to the other boy as he did so. Steve bit back a smile.
"You ever roll a joint?" Eddie questioned as he sprinkled the plant onto the paper hed laid out. Steve dragged his eyes across all the chunky rings on Eddies fingers, and the black on his nails that was just starting to show signs of wearing off. Steve had never met a guy that painted his nails before.
"Duh, man, of course. I'm not that good at it though. But Robins even worse so i end up doing it every time anyway." Steve watched him roll the joint skillfully, much more skillfully than he could ever manage, and run his tongue along the edge so he could seal it. Steve tried not to look too hard at him licking the paper. He was totally looking too hard at him licking the paper. Fuck.
"Well you can learn from the best." Eddie winked and Steve had to fight the heat that was rising to his cheeks. "Anyway, all done!" he held out the perfectly rolled joint proudly. "Let's hit the ganja, baby!" Steve felt his face burn as he smiled.
Eddie handed the joint to Steve and instructed him to put it in his mouth, "Guests take the first hit, of course." he grinned and Steve rested the herb lazily between his lips. Eddie pulled a lighter from the pocket of his vest and lit it, leaning over to light the end of the joint hanging out of Steve's mouth. Steve almost spit it right onto the bed, but he managed to keep his composure. Eddie was lighting his joint for him. Totally not a big deal. Why the fuck did it feel like a big deal?
Steve shook the thoughts from his head and took a long, deep puff. He held it for a second and then blew the smoke into the air in front of the two, looking over at Eddie while he did so to pass to him. The other boy was already looking at Steve, eyes trailing from his mouth to the smoke he'd exhaled, but he took the drugs eagerly and inhaled a decently sized hit of his own.
Steve coughed a little once he'd fully exhaled, fuck, Eddies shit was strong. But he still took a pretty big hit on his next turn. And the one after that. And the one after that. If he thought maybe he should slow down, it was just a passing
thought as he and Eddie passed the herb back and forth, a comfortable silence enveloping them.
Eddie was the first to break it, searching for an ash tray after they'd smoked basically the whole thing. "Okay, that's probably good for right now. I don't know how my tolerance is, I haven't smoked in a hot second. Where the fuck is the ash tray? Oh. right there." He grabbed it off the table next to his bed and crushed the end of the joint. "This is the good shit, Harrington. Way better than what you usually get from, what? Tommy H?" Eddie placed the ash tray back on the table and settled back down on the bed almost pressed against Steve.
He swallowed hard. "Uh, yeah. He's like, the only dude I know. Besides you now, I guess. Plus we used to be friends, kind of. Whatever." Steve didn't really like to think about that time of his life. Were his eyes getting heavy? He couldn't tell.
"Oh yeah, how could i forget. King Steve, and all that shit." Eddie gave him a look Steve couldn't quite read, but the corners of his mouth were turned upwards. "I'm definitely better than buying from Tommy H, though." He grinned at Steve, his eyes playful and starting to get a little red and glossy at the edges. Steve smiled.
"Definitely better than Tommy H!" he played along. "He never let me smoke with him free of charge." Steve fully leaned against Eddie now, feeling fuzzy. But a good fuzzy. This shit seriously was strong.
Eddie pressed up against him in return, looking the happiest Steve had seen him all day. "I dont let just anyone smoke with me for free. You are a very special customer, Steve." he looked up at him through half lidded eyes and tugged on the sleeve of Steve's sweatshirt. Fuck, when did his face get so close? Actually, Steve thought maybe he wanted it closer. Then he thought maybe he should stop thinking at all.
"Mmm. Im glad." Steve let his head lean back against the wall behind Eddies bed and made it a point to ignore how fast his heart was beating. His eyes traveled to the corner of the room where Eddie's record player, stereo, and countless albums and tapes crowded the space. "We should listen to some music. Yeah. Show me that Black Mammoth you're always talking about, or whatever." Steve laughed at himself because he knew it was Sabbath, he just thought he was really funny.
"First of all its Black Sabbath, excuse you." Eddie hit Steves shoulder with his before he jumped up enthusiastically. "And yeah of course! I can't believe you asked dude. I'll play the good shit, don't you worry." He scrambled over to the corner and started picking through the albums spread across
his floor.
"Of course man. I mean you're always going on and on about them, I really have to hear this for myself." His tone was sarcastic and he was fully aware that his eyes were only open about halfway, but it was comfortable so he didn't bother to care. Eddie looked at him fondly from across the room as he slipped a record onto the player.
"Yeah, yeah. You're gonna love it Stevie." Steve's breath caught in his throat at the stupid nickname. He felt himself blushing like a goddam school girl. Jesus, he needed to get it together. He didn't know why he was acting like this and he admittedly did not want to dive too far into it. He'd blame it on the drugs.
Steve was wedged with his back against the corner of the wall surrounding Eddies bed when the other boy came crawling back, completely invading his personal space, (not that he minded) the sound of guitar now filling any silence in the room. Steve inhaled Eddies scent as he climbed over him, the mixture of weed and collagen surprisingly the best thing he'd ever smelled in his life. Maybe he was being over dramatic. It sure seemed like the best thing he'd ever smelled in the moment, though.
Eddie settled in next to him, once again pressed as close as the laws of physics would allow, this time stretching his legs
out to get them tangled with Steve's. He laughed a little and Eddie beamed at him. Steve could get used to this, Eddie, he means. He could get used to having him around. He was already used to it, he guesses, but he could get used to having him here. Like this. Close. Or something. Fuck, he was really high.
"I'm really high." He voiced the thought aloud without thinking and Eddie snorted.
"I can tell dude your eyes are like, red. Like really red, i mean. Like- fuck." He laughed. "I don't know." He rubbed his forehead, still laughing.
"Yeah, yours are too. Red. Like... soooo red." Eddie giggled. Steve tried really hard not to think about it.
"You're cute, you know that?" Eddie asked as if it was something normal to say and not something that was about to flip Steve's whole entire life upside down. For some reason. And as if that wasn't enough, he looped the arm that has been pressing up against Steve's straight through the other boys and snuggled in closer. Just fucking kill him, why doesn't he.
Taking a deep breath trying to combat the nerves suddenly dancing in his spine, Steve thought maybe he could let himself have this without thinking too much about it, just for tonight. Whatever 'this' was. Again. Not thinking about it.
"You're not too bad yourself, Munson." Steve untangled the arm Eddie had claimed to instead wrap it around the other boys shoulders, hand lightly holding his arm. He rubbed his thumb back and forth and hummed. Something about the blush he saw rising on Eddies cheeks made him feel like he won the lottery. The mega millions.
And if he had any thoughts about what this meant, doing this with Eddie, with a boy, he pushed them down and focused on the smell of weed and the soft sound of the metal music coming from the other side of the room. He could worry about all that later. He didn't even think his brain could handle it right now if he tried.
And Steve found he didn't care when Eddie snaked his arm gently around his waist, looking up at him to make sure it was okay. Of course it was. Why was it okay? Steve really didn't know. Or care. They rested their heads against each other's and Eddie sighed contently.
A beat of silence.
"So what do you think of it?"
"Hmm?" Steve turned to look at the other boy and, holy shit, was his face close. When did it get that close?
"The music. What do you think of it?" Eddie bit the corner of his lip and Steve was having a really hard time focusing on anything else. If he just leaned a little bit forward their noses would touch. God.
"What? Oh. The music! Yeah yeah, it's. It's music, ya know? It's definitely music." Somehow in the few minutes since Eddie had turned it on Steve had completely forgotten there was music at all. He tried to focus on it despite every single one of his sense being lit up by Eddies body tangled with his. It was a losing battle.
"You hate it." Eddie shook his head and laughed a little. "It's okay. I know it's not your style. Maybe i can invest in a," he paused to fake gag, "Tears for Fears album for when you come over, or something."
"No! No, I don't hate it!" Steve protested. "I just haven't really been paying attention to it. I guess it is a little... intense. And Tears for Fears is good! You're just pretentious." Steve rolled his eyes jokingly while Eddie hit him halfheartedly on the arm.
"I am not! And even if I was, so what? I can be pretentious about metal. It's good music! Hey! It is!" Eddie play wrestled with Steve while the other boy made graphic fake vomiting gestures.
"Im just knockin ya." Steve grinned up at Eddie who had somehow managed to wriggle himself on top of him during the short wrestling match. He was fully sitting in Steve's lap. Steve gulped, suddenly there was a lot less air in the room than there was before.
Eddie didnt do much except smile down at him, eventually resting his arms around Steve's neck. It was a very intimate position, and if Steve's every thought was suddenly consumed with the urge to lean forward and kiss Eddie until neither of them could breath, he'd kind of already accepted it. With the help of the green stuff, of course.
Neither of them said anything for awhile, and it wasn't exactly an awkward silence, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. Steve was really too high to be as stressed as he should be in this situation though, his eyes wandering to the posters littering Eddies walls whos colors seemed to be a lot more vibrant now than when hed arrived.
Eventually his eyes found their way back to the man that was currently all but straddling his hips. Which he was trying very hard to ignore so that his blood didn't start rushing to the wrong places. When did he start feeling this way about boys? About Eddie? He needed to have a long, long talk with Robin.
Eddies brown eyes were looking at him, big and bloodshot. His curls had gone messy, falling in his face and sticking up at random places. He was beautiful. He was really, really beautiful. Steve thought maybe the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he let him know as much.
"You're like, beautiful, man." He kind of regretted it the second it left his mouth, but Eddies face turned about twelve different shades of red and he shifted in Steve's lap. God. Maybe don't do that.
"Steve—" Eddie bit his lip again. His eyelids drooped a tiny bit and he couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from Steve's lips. His cheeks were red and splotchy and his hair was in his eyes and suddenly Steve felt like if he didn't kiss him right now he might not ever be able to breath again.
"Sorry, that was like, weird, I shouldn't—"
"No really-"
"—I think I like you, dude."
And Steve's whole universe suddenly came to a halt. He blinked in confusion. Had he heard that right? There's no way he heard that right. Why couldn't he breath?
Steve's hands suddenly had no choice but to run themselves up and down the sides of Eddies body, making the other boy shudder and making Steve really need to readjust his pants.
"...You- you what?" came his stuttered reply. Was he going insane?
Eddie sighed a little but looked just about as nervous as Steve had ever seen him, second only to facing monsters from other dimensions He cautiously moved his hand to lightly frame the side of Steve's face and ran his thumb along his cheekbone.
"I... I think I like you. Like a lot, I mean. Like i really, really—"
"—I just want to kiss you, man. Can I kiss you?"
Steve's breath hitched. Jesus Christ, this was really happening, this was really, actually, happening. Way past the point of rational thought, he brought his own hand up to hold Eddies face, mocking what the other boy was doing to him.
Eddie looked at him with big, uncertain eyes. Steve wanted him to be certain. Wanted them to be certain.
"I think I've been waiting all night for you to ask me that question."
And that was all the invitation Eddie needed before their lips crashed together so hard Steve absentmindedly hoped there wouldn't be bruising. He wrapped his arm that wasnt currently cupping the other boys face around the back of his neck, pulling him even closer. He moved his lips against the other boys rhythmically, pressing himself hard against his mouth. It was rough, but somehow soft, and as Steve urged their mouths closer together he thought this may be the best kiss he'd ever had. Eddie was having absolutely no issue reciprocating, kissing Steve hungerly and biting at his bottom lip. Steve made a noise that was close to a moan, and Eddie ran his tongue across Steve's lip, coaxing his mouth open so he could slip his tongue inside and gripping his waist to pull him against his body. Steve was dizzy, half on the actual high, and half on whatever high Eddie was giving him right now.
Eddies tongue explored his mouth and Steve took the opportunity to run his hands down Eddies chest and stomach. There was a noticeable lack of boobs that Steve was almost surprised he didn't mind. His hands ran themselves across Eddies hips, and the other boy moaned into Steve's mouth, grinding his hips into Steve's. There was no hiding what Steve knew was there now. Eddie knew too, apparently, because Steve felt him smile into the kiss and grind down harder. Fuck him. Steve thought he might want to.
Everytime they broke apart to come up for air Steve was half expecting Eddie to suddenly come to his sense and tell him to get the fuck out, or hit him, or something. But he was only ever met with a half lidded eyes and a swollen smile and then he was crashing back into him.
They broke apart again, breathing heavily and staring at each other with splotchy faces and dilated pupils. Steve grinned.
"I like you too, you know"
Eddie laughed, wrapping his hands around the back of Steve's neck and pecking him once on the lips.
"I gathered that, Harrington." He smiled, and pulled him in for more.

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