Mother-Fucking King - Sassy_Dinosaur

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Sam had everything ready. The Sophomore had collected it all; towels, cups to drink from, two chairs, a bucket, and a funny video paused. He and his best friend, a Junior, were going to play Innuendo Bingo together in his basement; it was easier to mop water on tile than carpet. Lucifer, Sam's best friend that he secretly had been crushing on for the past seven years was upstairs, in the kitchen getting Froot Loops.

Ever since the two had seen Tyler Oakley do the challenge on Youtube they'd been planning to do it together.

Sam heard his basement door creak open, he really needed to have his brother Dean look at that. The steps, which were new, didn't make a sound as Lucifer jumped down three at a time.

A small smile pulled at Sam's lips as he thought of how goofy Lucifer was. It was an almost polar opposite to his attitude at school; the Junior bad boy, badass, doesn't take any shit, and total punk. How his best friend got that reputation was unknown to Lucifer.

It was almost like one everyone's views on him changed. If Sam had to guess what changed their views, it would be Lucifer's signature leather jacket with the burnt wings. Lucifer had worked on those wings for two whole days with a low heat wood burner that he borrowed from his sister, Hannah. Needless to say, he was so proud of himself when they were done, and so was Sam.

Sam was pulled from the memory by Lucifer snapping in front of his face and sing-songing his name, "Samster! You there?" the younger of the two blinked a few times "Dude, you good?"

"Yeah. I'm good!" Sam laughed and playfully pushed Lucifer's shoulder. "You ready now that you get the damn Froot Loops?"

"Yes!" Lucifer held the box above his head and spun like a ballerina.

"Then put them down and sit your ass in the chair!" Sam sassed, it was a thing they did; trying to out-sass the other.

The Junior sat in the seat he was directed towards. Sam sat across from him, a bucket was at their feet. It left little room for both sets of legs, so Sam sat criss-cross in the chair.

"Ready?" He chuckled and started to re-queue the video; his stupid laptop had gone to sleep.

"Of course Sam-the-man!" Lucifer cheered.

"That didn't even rhyme." Sam gave the older a confused look as he signed back into his computer.



After playing the game for fifteen minutes the two ran out of water and were drenched. Sam's long brown hair was dripping in a mixture of spit and water, while Lucifer was only covered completely on his shoulders. Somehow his dirty blonde, dyed blood-red, hair had been spared. Though, the same could not be said for their jeans. They were completely covered in water from trying to spit the mouthful of water into the bucket.

The two high school students decided to just hang out around Sam's house. Luckily Sam and Lucifer were about the same height and build. They constantly shared clothes when they hung out.

When they got to Sam's room, Lucifer made himself comfortable on Sam's futon, before being yelled at. "Hey! No no! You're wet, your clothes are wet. Get off my damn bed!" Sam rummaged through his dresser. "Here!" He threw a t-shirt, boxers, and gym shorts at Lucifer. All of which hit Lucifer in the face one by one. "Don't make me say it again, Luci!" Sam playfully bossed at the older of the two.

Lucifer left the Froot Loops and took the clothes and walked across the hall to the bathroom; that one was Sam's. There was one more in the house that Dean had claimed. If their dad was home he would use either, but he was never around enough for his sons to worry about that.

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