the sound of your voice (helps me find peace) - izazov - Chapter One

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"Will you tell me a story?"

The question was soft and hesitant, but more than enough to put an end to Obi-Wan's failed attempt at meditation.

Frustrated, Obi-Wan squeezed his eyes tighter. Dealing with Anakin was difficult enough on a good day. Dealing with him while severely lacking sleep and nursing a headache was guaranteed to end in a disaster.

Perhaps if I ignore him, he will leave.

It was a petty and selfish impulse, unworthy of an Initiate, let alone a Jedi Knight entrusted with a Padawan. Especially a Padawan as unique as Anakin. Who knew next to nothing of Jedi Code and felt so much, and so deeply. Who shone so brightly in the Force, it was almost blinding.

Anakin possessed more than enough raw potential to be a Jedi, but he sorely lacked even the basic knowledge of what being a Jedi truly entailed. Which, given the unorthodox circumstances of his joining, was hardly failing on Anakin's part. The boy was intelligent and a quick study. With a strong and sure hand to guide him on the long and trying road to Knighthood, Obi-Wan had little doubt he would grow to become an amazing Jedi.

Therein, though, laid the problem.

In the past eight months, Obi-Wan had felt everything but confidence that he was the right person to provide it. Anakin, despite an occasional misunderstanding and a few minor shows of temper, diligently followed Obi-Wan's teachings and instructions. Even if guidance and lectures was not what Anakin wanted from Obi-Wan.

What Anakin seemed to want, with a kind of intensity that bordered on need, was affection: deep, unquestionable and uncompromising. The kind that inevitably led to forming attachment.

The kind that Jedi were taught to rise above or risk losing their way.

"Obi-Wan?" Anakin said in a slightly stronger voice. "Master?"

Swallowing a sigh, Obi-Wan silently admitted defeat. Releasing what inner turmoil he could into the Force, Obi-wan opened his eyes. He regretted it instantly.

Anakin, dressed in rumpled sleep clothes, stood awkwardly next to Obi-Wan's meditation mat, clutching a blanket to his chest and staring at Obi-Wan with wide, troubled eyes.

Even if Obi-Wan couldn't feel the misery surrounding Anakin like a dark cloud in the Force, there was no mistaking the distress on his face. It did nothing to ease the throbbing in Obi-Wan's temples. Or lessen the feeling of inadequacy that has been dogging his heels his entire life, becoming even stronger since he had become Anakin's master.

But Obi-Wan had made a promise. First to Qui-Gon, and then to Anakin. A promise he intended to fulfill despite his fears and doubts; Anakin would become a Jedi, Obi-Wan would make certain of it.

"It is late. Shouldn't you be sleeping, Padawan?" Obi-Wan said, adding just a hint of reproach to his voice.

A small crease appeared on Anakin's forehead. "You're not sleeping," Anakin pointed out, a hint of defiance in the jut of his chin.

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