the sound of your voice (helps me find peace) - izazov - Chapter Five

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It wasn't difficult to locate Anakin.

He was sitting on the ground, leaning against a large rock formation, his elbows resting on his knees and his eyes closed, the last rays of the setting sun crowning his head with a fiery halo.

Even if Anakin had drifted farther from their camp, Obi-Wan would have found him easily. Considering the distress and agitation Anakin was radiating in the Force, Obi-Wan could have found him deaf and blind.

Even from the camp, Anakin's unchecked emotions were battering against Obi-Wan's shields: wild and relentless. It only became worse the closer Obi-Wan got to him; the bleedover from their bond - no matter how closed off it had become in the last few months - manifesting as a dull throb against his skull.

Anakin's raw power has always been a source of wonder and unease for Obi-Wan. He was aware that Anakin was nowhere near to having harnessed his full potential, and already, despite his age, he was one of the most powerful Knights in the Order.

But power without control spelled chaos and destruction, and control has never been Anakin's strong suit. No matter how hard he had tried, Obi-Wan had never quite managed to teach it to Anakin.

It used to worry Obi-Wan. Greatly. Lately though, Obi-Wan has come to dread Anakin's dark moods and the anger that seemed to constantly simmer just underneath the surface of Anakin's skin.

Obi-Wan feared for Anakin. Feared where anger, frustration and resentment could lead him. Selfishly, what he feared even more was losing him.

And he was losing him. Each day, as certain as sunrise, the gulf between them grew larger, and Obi-Wan felt helpless to prevent it from happening.

Secrets and lies and betrayal have marred what had once been a brilliant thread of pure light.

Secrets, lies and betrayal on both sides of their bond.

Swallowing against the sudden dryness of his throat, Obi-Wan stopped at the edge of the clearing where Anakin sat, wondering how they have come to this.

How have they come so close to pulling at the root something that has always been so precious to both of them?

"You know," Obi-Wan remarked, not quite successful in his attempt at sounding nonchalant. "Were we at the Temple, half of those present would be nursing a headache, and half would be knocking at your door none too gently."

Obi-Wan could see Anakin's mouth curve into a bitter smile just as he felt Anakin's shields tighten further, cutting off the constant flow of anger-frustration-helplessness.

"I wonder which group you would have fallen into," Anakin said without opening his eyes.

Obi-Wan pressed his mouth into a tight line. He should have known Anakin would not make this easy. But he had hoped.

"Hopefully I would have been in the room with you," Obi-Wan said flatly. "Helping you with whatever had made you forget one of the first lessons I have ever taught you."

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