Just A Kiss

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Peter had been a fan fiction writer for quite some time. When he was in middle school, his schedule balancing robotics club, band, and AcaDec, he needed a creative outlet that wasn't rigidly confined by STEM or saxophone repetoire.

So, he found himself writing stories.

They weren't good. They were actually quite horrendous at first, but he expressed his love for the Star Wars stories, exploring character interactions in as many ways as he could imagine. He made canon divergent fix-it fics and cringey OC fics and even modern high school AUs.

However, as he grew older, his skills blossomed, just from the sheer magnitude that he wrote.
Every day, when he got back from his extracurriculars, already having finished his homework during school, he would find himself at the chunky computer he had rebuilt from garbage scraps, typing away until Ben called him for dinner, and then back at the keyboard when he finished washing the dishes.

It wasn't until Spider-Man entered his life did his stories really get somewhere.
Peter had become known for his hyper-realistic, extremely detailed action sequences. After a particularly long patrol, he took notes on form and the choreography of it all, the different way that the criminals attempted to fight against him.

Of course, he took a lot of creative liberty to adapt the fights to fit his characters, but people appreciated the ebb and flow, how it didn't focus on the gore, but instead the intricacies of technique and battle preparation.

But, his modest AO3 following wasn't something that he broadcasted in his real life. There were enough reasons for people to make fun of Peter Parker, and he didn't want to add to the list.
So, after almost a year of knowing Harley Keeer, Peter didn't think to mention it.

Harley was great. He was really, really, really great, and Peter didn't want to ruin what he could only hope was respect and mutual friendship that he shared with Harley by divulging his deepest, darkest secret with him. (Because despite what one would think, Spider-Man was not his deepest, darkest secret.)

Because Peter maybe, just maybe, just maybe a teensy tiny little bit, had a big, fat, embarrassing, brain-goes-offline-and-he-makes-stuttering-static-noises-when-he-tries-to-talk crush on Harley.

Harley was effortless charismatic. He was funny in a dry and sarcastic kind of way that could keep up banter for what felt like hours. He was kind in a genuine benevolent generosity kind of way. He was intelligent, and he made it very clear that he was competent and capable. He was confident, unwavering and strong. And he was really pretty. Sparkling blue eyes and soft, bouncy blonde hair, and a crooked smile.

So, sue him! Harley was dreamy and exactly Peter's type.

So, when Harley approached him one morning, Peter slurping down a mango smoothie, saying "hey, Peter, so I was checking out your AO3," was it really his fault that he snorted it out of his nose and coughed for a good two minutes in pure shock and also so he could delay the conversation as much as he could?

Class started before Harley could bring it up again that day.
But Peter knew it was coming.

The two were lounging in Harley's room, Peter at his desk finishing his research essay for AP Lit, and Harley lying on the carpeted floor, scrolling silently on his phone.
"I just finished " Thanks for the Memories (even if they weren't so bad) ," Harley announced.

Peter choked. " What ?!"

"Yeah, it took me a good couple hours because I mean, Jesus, 236,000 words, but I finished, and I gotta say, wasn't expecting that ending."

Peter swiveled around in the rollie chair. "How did you find my AO3?"

"It's linked on your Tumblr," Harley said with a shrug. "Anyways, I know that it was tagged major character death, but killing off Rey like that, I mean, that was heartbreaking. I felt physical pain in my chest while reading that. I didn't even know a book could do that."

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