Chapter 2

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*Rosalie's P.O.V*

“Ivy, w-what did I tell you about talking to strangers?!” I scolded at my 5 year old daughter trying not to make eye contact with Zayn. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

“I’m sorry mommy.” She said sighing.

“Stranger?” the smooth, dreamy voice scoffed. “You’re really going to call me a stranger to her?” he asked walking up behind us.

“Get away from me. I have to go.” I picked up Ivy and walked fast to the car. I strapped her in and was about to get in the car until a hand grabbed mine, sending shivers up my arm.

“Just let me talk to her. Please.” He begged. His hazel eyes bored into my grey once.

“I-I… can’t. I’m sorry. I need to go.”I pulled out of his grasp and got in the car.

I called up my mom and told her to take Ivy for the night. I couldn’t have her see my in this state. What state, you ask? The fragile, emotional wreck, state. That’s what Zayn could do to me. I couldn’t take his eyes out of my mind. 

I cried as well. Not a lot, but enough to know I still loved him. 

My phone started to ring and I answered it. “Hello?” I asked in a soft voice.

“Rose? I’m in LA with Zayn and he told me he saw you! Where are you? How is the baby? Your mom? I miss you so much!” Liam told me franticly.

“Liam, calm down. I am fine, Ivy is fine, my mom is fine, and I am at home right now and- Wait? Why are you with Zayn in LA?” I asked after realizing what he told me.


“Liam, give me the goddamn phone!” I heard the deep British voice.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone for anyone who heard me.

“Let me see her.” Zayn asked on the other line. “I want to see my daughter. Please.”

“I need to go.”


“I-I can’t do that Zayn.” I hung up and ran into the bathroom.

I opened my medicine cabinet and took some of my anti-depressant pills. I took 2 and hopped into my bed and closed my eyes. These pills helped me feel numb. They made it so I couldn’t feel anything. Sadness, happiness, nothing. 


It had been 1 week since the encounter and I had a therapist appointment today. Ivy was at school and I would be picking her up after. 

“Tell me Rosalie, what happened yesterday?” Emily, my therapist, asked me.

“I-I saw Zayn yesterday, and Ivy talked to him.” I breathed. “I cried last night for the first time in years. And I took two pills so I would stop feeling the way I felt.” I told her closing my eyes. I felt the tears come up and I hated the feeling.

“I know you don’t want to be sad, but those pills-“I shook my head. “It’s okay to cry, Rose.” She told me in a small and quiet voice.

I let the tears fall. “But that’s not it. I wanted to feel sadness, but I wasn’t feeling sad. I was feeling happy, it was as if just by hearing his voice I could feel again, I could feel something other than sadness, and that only happiness once and awhile with Ivy and I-“ 

I couldn’t finish my sentence. Just by talking about him made my heart swell. “I think you don’t want to feel happiness anymore because you aren’t used to the feeling. You aren’t as comfortable with that as you are with sadness. And I think you should start to feel happy.” She stopped and let me continue crying. When I was done she continued, “What did he say last night?” she asked.

“He asked if he could see her.”

“I think you should let him spend some time with her. Whether it is with you, or just him and her. I think it would be for the best. Now, are you still taking the correct pills?” she asked me. I nodded. “Good. I will see you in two weeks. I hope you consider what I have told you, Rosalie.” She stood up and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and walked out of the room.

I took out my phone and looked up the number that called me a few days ago.

“Hello?” Zayn’s voice asked. I’m guessing this is his phone.

“Hey, um, well you asked to see Ivy and I think it would be… an interesting experience for Ivy to spend some time with you for a bit. How about we meet at the park in about an hour?”

“Wow, um sure! I’ll see you then!” he sounded excited.

“Okay, well bye.”


I hung up and got in the car to pick Ivy up at school. I pulled up and I saw Ivy running to the car. I got out and picked her up and hugged her when she got to me. 

“How was school?” I asked her.

“Fine, Ms. Demetri told me I was the top speller so far! Aren’t you proud of me mom?” she asked me as I buckled her in.

“Vey proud of my little speller!” I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I started up the car and looked in the rearview mirror at Ivy. “So, do you remember the guy at the ice shop?” I asked her.

“Um, yes I do!” she said happily.

“Well he and I were best friends when we were younger and he wants to meet you. But I have to go out tonight for a bit, so will it be okay for you to be with him for awhile?” I asked her.

“Yes, do you know why? Because his eyes are my color!” she said excitedly. 

“Good! So we are going to go home so you can get out of your school clothes to put on something comfortable and I can put on some better clothes.” I told her. By this time we were home and I was getting her out of the car.

I opened the door and she ran up to her room and walked up to mine. I was going out with friends. I hadn’t really had time for myself in a while, and I thought I deserved it. I got dressed and made sure I looked good.

When I was dressed I walked downstairs and saw Ivy in jeans and a nice shirt holding up her small converses. “I need you to help with my sneakers.” She said in her cute little voice. She sat on the couch while I put on her shoes. 

“All done, are you ready?” I asked her. She nodded and opened the door and raced outside.

We got to the park and I saw Zayn standing there. The nervousness started to build up as Ivy and I walked over to him.

“Hey, so um Zayn, this is Ivy, Ivy this is Zayn.” I introduced them to each other.

Zayn smiled and looked at her intently. He crouched down to her level. “Hi Ivy, today me and you are going to have so much fun. “He looked up at me. What time to you want her back?” he asked. 

“Um, I’ll text you when I’m done doing what I am doing. I’ll see you later Ivy, I love you.” I gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead. 

I walked up to Zayn and whispered to him, “Take care of my baby.” 

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I melted in his arms. His smell was so homey and made butterflies erupt in my stomach. “I’ve missed you so much, Rosalie.” He mumbled into my hair. 

I gulped. “I-I… need to go.” I pulled out of the hug and smiled at Ivy. I walked back to the car and drove off. In my mirror I saw Zayn grab Ivy’s hand with a smile on his face. And all of a sudden I wasn’t nervous anymore.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Since I love you guys soooo much I will do the next chapter in Zayn's P.O.V :) Enjoy the picture of Zayn on the side and stuff like that.

-Enjoy the song as well! 

-Outfit in External Link  

-Cheyenne xx

I'm Addicted To You *Book 2*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora