Chapter 17

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*Rosalie's P.O.V*

“Are we ready?” I asked Ivy and Zayn as we were getting ready to leave for the doctor’s appointment. 

“Yup, let’s go.” Zayn said while locking the door.

“Why are we going to the doctor’s?” Ivy asked from the back seat. “I don’t feel sick.”

“We are going for mommy.” Zayn answered.

“Is she sick?”

“No, she’s perfectly fine.” Zayn smiled and grabbed my hand.

We got to the doctor’s office. “Appointment for Rosalie …Malik?” I didn’t know what last name Zayn put it under.

“Ah yes, the doctor is ready for you. Room 302.” I smiled and went up to Zayn who was holding Ivy.

“Room 302. Let’s go.” We walked to the room. 

“Hello Rosalie, I’m Dr. Hobbs.” he was an old man, looked to be in his upper 50’s.

“Hi, this is my boyfriend Zayn and our daughter Ivy.” I smiled.

“Hello, you may sit on the chair and lay back.” I did as told. “Pull up your shirt until its right under your breasts and I am going to put some gel on it and its cold.” I nodded, already knowing what would happen. “So, are you excited to be expecting another child?” 

“Yes, very excited.” Zayn answered.

“Ah, here we go. Okay, so that’s the baby.” He pointed to the object on the screen.

“So, that’s my baby brother or sister? In mommy’s belly?” Ivy asked amazed.

“Yup.” After a while he turned the machine off and printed the picture out. I took off the gel.

“Okay, so your next appointment will be in 3 months and then we will find out the sex of the baby. Are you hoping for a certain gender?” Dr. Hobbs asked as we were leaving the room.

“No, not really, as long as it’s healthy we will be happy.” I smiled and held Ivy because she was sill tired.

While on our way home Ivy fell asleep. “I don’t think I can go to Liam’s Birthday party tonight. Ivy is really exhausted and tired.” I told Zayn. “You should go and I’ll watch her.”

“No, Liam is your best friend. Go with him and I’ll watch Ivy. You deserve a night out.” Zayn smiled while we were pulling up into our parking spot. “I’ll look at some houses online. Okay?” he grabbed Ivy and picked her up and she continued sleeping on his shoulder.

When we got home he put Ivy in her bed so she could continue her nap and me and him laid on the couch together and watch TV until it was time for me to get ready.


I was putting on the rest of my makeup when Zayn came in my room and jumped on the bed. “You look great babe, I don’t think you need makeup.” I saw him smile from the mirror.

I turned around and rolled my eyes. “Now that I am pregnant with my second child I am going to start looking even more horrible. I need as much as I can get.” I looked at my outfit in the mirror and smiled at my reflection. (External Link)

I grabbed my purse and cell phone. “I’m gonna go now, have fun with Ivy. I’ll be back by midnight.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

I drove to the place where his party was being held and parked on the street. 

“Happy birthday Liam,” I gave him a hug and his gift. “Zayn couldn’t come because Ivy was really tired so he stayed with her.”

“Oh that’s understandable. Do you think he could give me some fathering pointers?” he asked nervously.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind at all.” I smiled. He went back to his guests and I went over to where Louis, Niall, Harry and Eleanor were.

“Hey Rose, where’s Zayn and Ivy?” Harry asked.

“They are at home. She was really tired so he stayed home with her. So, where is your girlfriend Harry? You did bring her right?” I asked.

“Of course, she’s getting me a drink. I really wanted Ivy to meet her and if she liked her then she was a keeper.” Harry sighed.

“You can bring her over anytime.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m gonna go get some drinks. Rose you want anything?” Louis asked.

“Yea, water. Ya know, can’t drink baby in my stomach.” He laughed and nodded.

“Oh yea, congratulations. Can’t believe you have another baby in there.” Harry poked my stomach causing me and Eleanor to laugh.

“Hey guys, here is your drink Harry.” A girl with blond hair and brown eyes came up to Harry and handed him a drink. “You must me Rosalie, hi I’m Brianna, and it’s great to finally meet you. I thought you had a daughter and a boyfriend?”

“Yea, they had to stay home since she wasn’t feeling too good.” I smiled at her. “I’ve heard so much about you.” 

“Yea, same.” 

After a few minutes of awkward silence Louis came back with the drinks and I drank my water in one gulp.

“Hey Niall, you wanna dance?” I asked him. He nodded and we went to the dance floor.

We danced like our stupid crazy selves until a slow song came one. I followed Niall’s gaze and he was looking at a girl in the corner.

“Liam’s cousin? Go ask her to dance.” I smiled. “Go!” I pushed him towards her direction and watched him go up to her and soon they were dancing.

I went to sit at a table alone and took out my phone. It was already 10:45 and I had two missed calls from Zayn. I walked out of the party and into the hallway to call him back.

“Hello?” I asked when he answered.

“Rosalie I need to come to the hospital now. Ivy, she had an allergic reaction and I… I didn’t know she was allergic to anything. And I’m so sorry.” He was crying on the other side of the phone.

“It’s okay Zayn… j-just breathe. I’ll be at the Children’s Hospital in a bit.” My eyes started to water and my heart was racing. I ran into the party and I saw the guys with Liam.

“Liam, I need to go. I-Ivy… she’s in the hospital. She had an allergic reaction.” I cried.

“Is she okay?” They all asked.

“I don’t know. I’m gonna go now.” I cried even more and ran out of the party.

“Wait!” Harry called. “I’m going too; give me the keys you can’t drive while you’re like this.” 

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