Chapter 19

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*Rosalie's P.O.V*

“I’m pregnant not disabled, at least let me help with something.” I sighed while rubbing my belly.

“No, now go sit down.” Zayn said sternly. I rolled my eyes and did as told.

Today was moving day! The boys were moving everything into the house while I sat down, ate, and watched. I was now 5 months pregnant and we were told a few weeks ago what the gender of the baby will be. We are having a baby girl and I was overly excited as well as Zayn and Ivy. We picked a nice house just a few blocks away from Zayn’s mom’s house and 10 minutes away from Danielle and Liam’s house.

I waited a few more minutes before everyone came downstairs and joined me on the couch. “Are you all done?” I asked them.

“Yup, we even finished the nursery.” Niall smiled.

“Good, now I will make you all some… dinner.” I said while looking at the clock and noticing it was almost 7.

I walked into the kitchen and opened up our fridge and forgot we had to go grocery shopping. I walked back into the living room. “What do you guys want for takeout?”


“Zayn I really don’t want to see him. I mean, I am pregnant with our second child, and he never even bothered to call me.” I huffed.

Zayn rolled his eyes and laid next to me in our bed. “Please, just call him. Who knows, maybe he changed. Ask him to come over for lunch. Ivy is at school and will be home at 3.”

I sighed and reached for my phone. “Can you get it for me.” I asked him. “I am pregnant you know.”

“Trust me it’s hard not to notice.” He mumbled.

“You’re the one who created this child.”

“You helped.”

“Do you really want me to explain the process, I may be younger than you but I am a lot smarter than you.” I poked my tongue out at him as he handed me my phone.

“Whatever. I am going to take a shower.” He grabbed a towel and whipped it at me.

“If that touched me I would’ve called 999 for abuse.” I laughed.

“Shut up and call him.” He said before leaving the room.

I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. While the phone rung I hoped it was either the wrong number or it would go to voicemail.

“Hello?” a lady answered.

“Oh I think I have the wrong number, I am looking for David Parker.” I said, hoping it was the wrong number.

“Oh no, this is his wife speaking. May I ask who is calling?” His wife? It never occurred to me that dad might have actually gotten re-married.

“Oh um, I am his daughter Rosalie.” It was quiet. I heard soft mumbling.

“Rose, is that you?” he answered the phone.

At the sound of his voice my eyes started to water. “Daddy, it’s me. And I’m back in Bradford and I miss you so much.” I cried.

“I missed you too baby girl. What are you doing back here? Is your mum with you?” he asked.

“No, she is still in LA. I am here with my family.” I gulped before continuing. “You remember Zayn, well we have a daughter and we are expecting another girl in 2 months.”

“Really? I have a granddaughter?” he asked amazed. “I would love to meet her.”

“She gets home from school at around three. You can come over for lunch then.” I smiled through my tears.

“That would be lovely. Do you mind if… my wife Alice comes with?” he asked me.

“Um, er… sure yea.” I stuttered.

“Great, I will see you at three. Bye Rose, I love you.”

“Love you too.” I hung up and put my phone next to me on the bed.

A few minutes later Zayn came in the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. “How was it?”

“He is married to a woman named Alice, and they are coming home around three when Ivy gets here.”


Zayn just left to pick Ivy up around three and I had lunch all made and was waiting for my dad to come here. While I was fixing my hair the doorbell rang. I went to answer the door and smiled.

“Hi dad.” I hugged him.

“You must be Rose; you’re dad talks about you all the time.” Alice smiled and I brought her in for a hug. “Wow, you look like you are ready to pop.” She said looking at my stomach.

“About two months to go. We are having a girl. And they are coming in right now.” I said motioning to Zayn’s car coming in the driveway.

He parked and Ivy ran out of the car and into my arms. “Mom, who is this?” she asked confused.

“Ivy this is Grandpa and Alice.” I smiled and introduced everyone to each other. “Dad, this is Zayn. You guys have met but…” I struggled with how to finish the sentence.

“Hello Zayn, you and my daughter made a beautiful girl.” He shook Zayn’s hand.

“Thanks. So are you ready to eat? Ivy why don’t you change out of your school clothes and then come join us?” Zayn told Ivy and she nodded and ran up to her room.

We walked into the dining room and started eating once Ivy came down. Lunches went smoothly, mostly my dad catching up and getting along with Zayn and apologizing for before.

“Why don’t we give these two some privacy, Alice why don’t Ivy and I give you the tour?” Zayn offered. She nodded and the three of them left the room.

It was quiet for a bit before I gathered the courage to start the conversation. “You never called; you never sent me any letters. You missed 5 almost 6 birthdays of mine.”

“I know, but I was getting better. I started going to therapy and I regret every second when I wasn’t talking to you. I have missed you so much.”

“When did you meet Alice?” I asked.

“3 years ago, we got married last year.” He smiled. “So, is Zayn still...?”

“Yea…” I sighed. “It is dangerous, I know. But he makes sure Ivy and me are nowhere near him when he is.”

“But your move to Bradford… was it for what he is doing?” my dad asked.

“Actually no, it’s because Zayn and I thought it would be best if I was closer to my friends and his mom during the pregnancy. And now I am closer to you.” I smiled.

“Well, I am happy we got in touch. And I hope we don’t leave each other for almost 6 years again.” He smiled back.

I got up and gave him a tight hug. “I’ve missed you so much daddy.” 

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