Chapter 20

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*Rosalie's P.O.V* 

 “Are you sure you really want to do this?” I asked Zayn unsure while holding Lana in my arms. “I mean she was just born 3 weeks ago and you want to have a huge dinner so everyone can meet her for the first time? We can always say she is sick?”

“Rose,” Zayn sighed and looked away from the TV which had a crying SpongeBob on it since Ivy wanted to watch it. “The only people Lana has been around besides us are the hospital people, I think is a good way for her to meet the most important people in her life. And we can’t cancel, your mother flew in last night and I can bet you she won’t be leaving until she has met her granddaughter.”

I bit my lip and looked at Lana. She had her eyes opened and was just watching my every move. She looked exactly like Ivy, hazel eyes, Zayn’s lips, and tan skin. We weren’t sure on the hair because it was still growing a bit, but we are sure it will end up being brown too.

“Okay fine, I’m going to start on dinner, do you want to hold her or do you want me to put her in her chair in the kitchen?” I asked Zayn.

He held out his arms, “Give her here.”  I put her carefully in his arms and went into the kitchen to decide on what I was making.

I opened up the fridge and saw a whole chicken, vegetables, and I am sure I could make mashed potatoes. I got everything out and my phone buzzed in my pocket.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi dear, I was wondering if you wanted me to pick anything up at the bakery for dessert?” My mother asked. I could tell she was happy just by being back here in Bradford.

“Sure, a cake or pastries would be fine.”

“Okay, what are you up to now?”

“Getting dinner started. Zayn is with the girls in the other room.”

“Okay, do you need me to get there any earlier for some help?” she asked.

I thought for a second. “Sure that would actually be great!”

“Okay, I will see you in 30 minutes?” she asked me.

“Yup, thank you.” I hung up and went to go tell Zayn.

“My mom is coming in about 30 minutes to help me with the food since everyone will be getting her in 2 and a half hour.”

“Okay that’s fine.”

I went back into the kitchen and started chopping up the vegetables. About 30 minutes later there was a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it.

“Hey mom, give me the pastries and you go meet Lana.” I told her. She nodded and handed me everything and scurried off to meet her.

I put the food in the fridge and then joined everyone in the living room. My mom was holding Lana and smiling at her.

“She is just the Ivy, the perfect combination of you two.” My mom smiled. She held Lana for a bit more minutes before handing her back to Zayn and went to help me for dinner.

Once we put the chicken and vegetables in the oven my mom got started on the mashed potatoes. “Rosalie, go get dressed into something better, please. Everyone will be here shortly.” I nodded and went upstairs to my bed room.

When Lana was born she was a very small baby, so fortunately I didn’t have a lot of fat left from when she was born. She was actually born one month early. April 27th. Zayn goes back to work in two weeks and we got a small little gym on the basement, so when Ivy was at school and Lana was having her nap me and him would work out with each other, helping me burn off the fat.

I searched through my closet, still not sure what I should wear. My mom wasn’t in anything fancy, just a nice blouse, jeans, and heels. I wore the same. (External Link) I straightened my hair and put on some lipstick. I exited the room and heard lots of talking coming from downstairs. I started to get nervous, not because of seeing everyone at the same time, but nervous because I wasn’t sure how Lana was.

I walked down the stairs and walked into the living room. “Hi everyone.” I smiled. In the room was Zayn, Ivy, my mom, my dad, his wife Alice, Niall, Liam, Danielle, Jake, Tricia, and Yaser. Lana was in Niall’s arms smiling and laughing while he was making weird faces at her.

“Where are Harry and Louis?” I asked Zayn.

“They should be he-“He was cut off by the door opening.

“WE ARE HERE!” Louis announced with a gift in his hand and Harry had another.

“With gifts!” Harry added.

I laughed and gave them a hug. “Since everyone is here let’s go eat because I am starving!”


Dinner went well too. There was a bit of tension with my dad, Alice, my mom, and Jake but overall it was a great time. Harry had gotten Lana a Rolling Stones shirt to match his own with white converses. Louis got her a bib that was custom made to say “I LOVE LOUIS!” and an outfit.

We were all not in the living room taking turns holding Lana. I knew she would end up crying soon because she would be tired and sick of being passed from person to person. So far she had taken a liking to Niall the most.

Soon Lana did start crying and Jake, who had her at the time, gave her to me. “Everyone say goodnight to Lana and Ivy.”

“Goodnight Lana and Ivy.” everyone said in sync. Ivy went upstairs with me so I could tuck her in bed.

I first tucked Ivy in bed and said goodnight to her then changed Lana into a new diaper and her PJ’s. I sat in her rocking chair and rocked her to sleep. When she was sleeping I put her in her crib and joined everyone else downstairs.

“So, do you know if you want any more kids?” Tricia asked Zayn and me.

“I think one more yea, but after marriage.” Zayn answered.

“Marriage aye?” Harry asked smiling.

“Well I would hope to propose soon.” Zayn laughed and kissed my temple.

Who would have thought, the baddest bad boy in Bradford, the one everyone feared, the one who I was least compatible with, would end up being my future husband and the father of my children? Not me that is for sure. But you know what they say; the most unexpected relationships are the best ones.


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