Chapter 10

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Hey guys, so in case you were confused instead of naming my chapters I'm just gonna do "Chapter 1" "Chapter 2" etc. 

*Rosalie's P.O.V* 

 It was almost 2 in the morning and I was in my room reading, waiting for Zayn, when the door opened and closed. Footsteps came down the hall and the door opened.

“Why are you still awake babe?” he asked sighing and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Because I can’t sleep properly unless I’m in your arms,” I said while putting my book down and got out of the bed and walked in front of Zayn. I winced when I saw his face, it was all bruised up and his knuckles were bloody. “C’mon, I’ll get you cleaned up.” He got up and we walked to the bathroom. “Sit.” He sat on the toilet and I put a cloth on his knuckles.

“You shouldn’t have to see me like this.” He said quietly. “I am a horrible role model for Ivy.”

“No you’re not. You love and support your family so shut up.” I rolled my eyes and wrapped his hand up. I then aided his face. “You are still beautiful when you look like shit.”

“Wow thanks.” He scoffed.

“Any time, now let’s get to bed.” We walked back into the room and Zayn got undressed and joined me in the bed.


I woke up to an empty bed and my phone ringing. I sat up and answered it. “Hello?”

“Hi, is this Rosalie Parker?” A female voice asked.

“Yes, may ask who is calling?”

“This is Maya Evans from Perfect Sins Modeling Company and I wanted to ask if you were available for a photo shoot this afternoon?” I smiled to wide. When I moved to LA my mom had a friend who was a model and I sometimes did shoots with her while my mom would watch Ivy. I loved modeling because it was nice to get away. I signed up with the company and did photo shoots every now and again.

“Um, you might want to know I was moved to Bradford…” I sighed.

“Oh yes we know, there is a company in London.” She answered happily.

“Okay well then, what time?” I asked.

“About 1 in the afternoon.”

“Okay, sure.” She gave me the details and I told her I would be there. I hung up and jumped out of bed and raced to the kitchen.

“Ohmygod!” I yelled running into Zayn while he was making Ivy pancakes. “Guess what?!” I asked.

“What?” he smiled.

“Well… when I was first born I did modeling here and there, that’s when I started getting d-r-u-n-k and doing bad things and I just got a call saying that they wanted me to come back and do a shoot today!” I jumped up and down.

“So you are going to look pretty like in the magazines?” Ivy asked excited.

“Yup… it starts at one so could you watch Ivy for the day?” I asked hopefully.

“Of course. Now sit so I can make up breakfast.” Zayn smiled. I sat across from Ivy and we watched Zayn make pancakes. “Here you go.” He gave us each 2 pancakes. “Do you know what magazine it will be for?” he asked with food in his mouth.

“Not yet.”

I finished my food and went to take a shower. After my shower I got dressed into some shorts, flats, and a tank top. “I’m leaving!” I called out. I heard Zayn and Ivy yell ‘bye!’ from the kitchen. Ivy wanted to learn how to cook so Zayn was helping her and Harry was going to come over soon too.

I walked down to my car and drove to London. When I got to the shoot I got out of the car and a brunette girl came up to me. “Hello! You must be Rosalie. I am Maya, thank you so much for coming on short notice.”

“Oh it was no biggie.” I smiled and we walked to the tent where hair and makeup was going to be done.

“We heard you had a daughter, if you ever need anyone to watch her we can find you one.” She told me.

“Oh it’s fine. I have her dad and her uncle’s.” I smiled.

“Well that is good. Okay so you know what to do now. When you are ready just come out here and we will get started.” I sat in the chair and Bryan, the man who will do my hair and makeup, came up to me and got right to work.

About 4 hours later the shoot was over. I still had my makeup on when I got home and it was five at night. “I’m home!” I yelled.

“MOM!” I heard Ivy’s little footsteps running down the hall. She had paint all over her face and hands.

“Ivy what are you two doing?” I asked laughing. She beckoned me to follow her and we went to Zayn’s art room.

“We were painting.” She laughed and showed me her work. There were 3 pictures hung up on the wall drying. “I painted those!” She said, proud of her accomplishment.

“Well, don’t you look interesting?” Zayn laughed when he saw my face. “How was it?”

“It was great; here I have the photo that they choose.” (Picture on Side)

“You look so different mom!” Ivy said in amazement.

“Yea, being there was really fun and I now know what I want to go back to school for. Photography. I have loved being in front of the camera, but being behind it and making beautiful pictures is amazing.”

“That’s great babe. I am so proud of you. You are really turning your life around.” Zayn hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Zayn whispered in my ear. I nodded. “Ivy why don’t you finish your painting then I will hang it up?” she nodded and Zayn and I stepped out into the hall.

“My mom called and wants us to come visit with Ivy this weekend. I told her I would ask you. What do you think?” he asked me.

“That sounds great! I’m sure your mom would love to meet her granddaughter! When we get back I’m gonna start to look for colleges.”

Zayn smiled and gave me a passionate kiss. “I *kiss* love *kiss* you *kiss* so much *kiss*.”

“The feeling is mutual.” I laughed and kissed him again.


Aw, that was a cute chapter. What do you think will happen next? Will Rosalie get back in with the wrong crowd, how do you think Ivy will react when meeting Zayn's mom? 

Oh and The Great Styles is up and posted and sorry for the short chapter!

Vote and comment if you feel the need too!

-Cheyenne xx 

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